To eat when it’s ready or wait for the appointed guests? (Danger: There’s a little sarcasm mixed in this recipe.)
Kids and menfolk agree you don’t wait. Women seem to be downright hateful about making everyone wait, muttering darkly about being civilized and such. It’s the same crap we go through when trying to get a woman ready to go anywhere outside the front yard, and sometimes even then. Women are not angels, nor are they particularly civilizing. Too much of what they do is for show, and that’s not civilization. That’s pure fakery.
I’ve seen people put on a huge spread, then the household matron make everyone wait while the food starts frosting over because some female guest took too long getting herself all dolled up. We’ve established long ago women never dress up to bless their men, but to compete with each other. So we have to microwave it, which destroys the food molecules, or stick it back in the oven to dessicate.
Women can claim it is a problem with immaturity and uncivilized impatience, but that’s just their excuse for being hateful about it. If you’ve ever cleaned a woman’s restroom and the men’s room at the same time, you tell me who is considerate and civilized. If you are late, eat what’s left. It’s not as if there won’t be enough to go around. In my case, I eat multiple small meals over the day because that’s far healthier. So because I’m the one who carves the turkey, I simply eat what I want when it’s ready. Thanksgiving is no excuse for gorging yourself. Sit down feasts are simply one more way for women to force us to behave by their silly standards, while killing us slowly with fattening food.
And people wonder why men so quickly become hermits.
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I know exactly what you mean by men becoming hermits…