Today I went out in two different sessions and finished the trail.
I am leaving it a little rougher this year, instead of clipping every single bit of growth. I’ll see if there is sufficient use to keep it all tromped down. I plan to hit it at least once each day as part of my ongoing work out plans.
Side note: I try to work out five times every day. I usually get at least three. That’s a heavy workout at wake-up to get the metabolism going. Then again around mid-morning just enough to make me break a sweat. Somewhere around mid-day I do the aerobic portion, either walking or riding my bike. Then in the afternoon I try to do something vigorous, again until I break a sweat. Lately that’s been turning a few rows with shovel in my garden. Finally, unless something has caused me to hurt too much, I try to workout before bedtime.
I made sure the trail is just barely bike-able, too.
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As you know I’ve been watching your trail grow and improve. Must say, if you lived in this area your efforts would be completely supported given the sheer volume of outdoor folk.
Well done
I do have a handful of supporters here in the park, but only one other guy has put work into it. Thanks for the moral support.