More on Those Concentration Camps

I’m not the only one who sees the concentration camps as getting real close.
Of all the writers associated with Alex Jones, Kurt Nimmo is about the only one I give any credibility. I followed him long before he found it necessary to hang out with Jones in order to keep eating. Nimmo sticks with stuff he can prove, and is the first writer to show me the evidence al-Qaeda was fake, a CIA operation. Thus, you’ll notice the linked article isn’t overwrought the way Jones does when writing by himself.
What we have here is another smoking gun, in the form of contracts being let to actually run those FEMA camps.
The only problem is, I’ve not seen any good reports which actually give the location of such camps. Keep in mind, I was trained to work military detention camps and know a good bit about how to build them. Yes, I’ve seen some hyped reports listing various facilities, but two of them are right here in my backyard. One is the not-at-all-secret air terminal used by the US Marshals at Will Rogers World Airport. It’s capacity is something like 800, and it’s pretty full most of the time. The building is pretty secure, but the fenced area around it would be pretty hard to use as a camp.
The other location is more probable. There is a substantial portion of a square mile area (called a “section” here in Oklahoma) which had been a decent but aging middle class neighborhood just north of the Tinker AFB runway. Because of how catastrophic the crashes were in the 1970s, Tinker bought out most of that section. They fenced it all in and began using it for storage and some peculiar training exercises. From what I can see outside that fence, it could conceivably be converted to a detention camp without much trouble. For example, all the sewage lines from several hundred houses are still in the ground, I believe. So far, I’ve seen no evidence of that conversion, and I pass there several times every week.
Most of the infamous photos of such sites from REX 84 look like simple Military Police training sites. That is, they aren’t actually built to use as genuine detention facilities. There are a large number of details in the difference between a mock up and the real thing. There are some big fenced in resettlement centers, as famously seen in one of Jesse Ventura’s TV episodes, the one they didn’t actually televise, that you can find on YouTube and other places. Those places I’ve seen before, and they are frankly more expensive and civilized than I would expect for the more sinister purposes alleged as FEMA camps, which would be labor camps.
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2 Responses to More on Those Concentration Camps

  1. Old Jules says:

    Hi Ed. The whole thing’s a tough one to form an opinion about with any foundation in something a person could hang a hat on. So little of anything can be trusted. Gracias, J

    • Ed Hurst says:

      You aren’t alone. There are some who question whether this is all some sort of misdirection, simply because it seems too obvious, and because it only seems to have been noticed by sources we could call “controlled opposition.” My own tendency to believe it comes from military experience alone.

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