Just a Few

People do change.
But very few of them change at any given time, and seldom do they change very much. Radical turn-arounds are quite rare. Human behavior remains subject to much manipulation, but human nature itself is burned in.
This is why we spend so much time rattling around in Social Studies with no useful results. Too much of the effort is aimed at “what should be.” Even when you get someone who is careful about their methodology, the delusion of what-should-be taints the research and results. That in itself tends to prove my point here.
When we content ourselves to observing what is, and what we who understand could gain from it, the whole game of studying human nature changes. We need not be predatory, but recognize the limits of what any single force can accomplish.
While I often poke at the Victorian Period for much of what’s wrong with the West today, it’s really not that simple. There were several leading influences which made it possible for Vicky to mess things up so grandly. Besides, she was only the figurehead we all blame, and not really that influential in the cultural shift which takes her name. But even more important is recognizing the evangelists of Victorianism were simply preying on a well established human trait. They provided a fully developed fantasy which precisely met the times, and took advantage of basic human stupidity. Try as we might, so very much of what we see in the West today is either Victorian or a highly selective reaction to it.
My obscure vision of what ought-to-be regarding the Laws of God is frankly not going to garner much interest, even with those who believe they are seeking the truth. I’m not willing to manipulate and take advantage of mass human idiocy. However, I’m quite eager to point out that idiocy. I find the Laws a very handy explanation for it, a fair and accurate characterization. So I’m not a reformer, not a prophet to the masses. My emphasis is offering truth, not implementing it as some benevolent dictator.
That’s because the mission is not fixing things, but making sure no one has any excuse when they come to stand for the Final Judgment, whatever you may imagine that to be. My whole assumption is fixing is simply not possible. I’m just offering a means to making it all tolerable until it’s over.

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One Response to Just a Few

  1. I just wished that some of the sociologists I know would actually realise this.

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