We don’t even have a good definition for “race” as it pertains to humans.
Racism is neither good nor bad; it is a human instinct. It simply is. As with any instinct, it can be coupled with conditioning to produce moral good or bad, and typically a mixture of both. Hatred and abuse can arise from any excuse, but the hateful oppression by one group of another is as old as the Fall. The notion there is no difference is false on the face of it. If there were no difference, there would be nothing to write about.
Fairness is impossible among humans for the very simple reason no two are alike. If I treat you precisely the same as I do some other, I am ignoring your God given uniqueness. To be human is to be different; it’s part of the definition, built into the very existence of humanity. Each person thinks and acts uniquely, but we can detect commonalities. It is entirely silly to think commonalities don’t exist. In any given realm of human thinking and behavior, we will always categorize people based on what can be observed of them.
To suppose certain obvious physical traits do not also come packaged with certain other commonalities is ignoring reality. It justifies calling one “stupid” — ignorance fortified by intent. It’s human nature itself to crave distinction; it simply is. In any given context, we emphasize whatever it is which makes us different from some others, paradoxically by choosing to associate with yet others. This is not good or bad; it is reality.
I need not justify associating Western Civilization with white skin, any more than I need to justify other cultures with other colors of skin. There was a time in human history when white faces were associated with some incredible lack of civilization. At some time in the future, the cycle will roll past the whites and they will join the other “has been” civilizations on the dust heap of history. It is possible future dominant civilizations will not be associated with any particular race, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
The very notion of “history” is itself culturally derived, because it requires certain value judgments as to what justifies keeping a record. This in itself remains the single greatest barrier, as I often note, for folks today understanding the Bible. Reading your cultural bias back into another is about as racist as it gets. To judge any past civilization by your own civilization’s biases about what constitutes success is arrogance on the level of blasphemy.
So the real problem is not noticing there are differences, but in thinking your race, team, state, tribe, etc., is better in the ultimate sense. If it were simple cheerleading, we could understand and forgive, but when the fans of one team commit parking lot violence against the fans or team members of the other, we can justify saying it’s evil.
In the grand cycle of things, whites will disappear. Not Caucasian DNA, but as a significant presence on the earth. This is the first racial group which is breeding itself out of existence, by becoming too addicted to the personal comfort which arises from not having enough kids to replace your generation. Kids are an expensive habit, and gets in the way of fancy cars and big TVs.
If I were to guess today, I’d say the future belongs to the Hispanic folks, specifically South and Central America. If you stop to think for a moment what places any race or culture atop the foodchain, you’ll understand why. As with all those granted by God a chance to dominate the humanscape, they will face His justice the same as all those past. At some point He has promised to bring it all to an end, and only He has any idea when it will come, and who will be on top. Given enough time, the categories will drift into areas we can hardly comprehend.
Meanwhile, divine justice has found the White West exceptionally odious, and our fall will be magnificent.
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