The most effective combat troops in the US military are those least military.
There is a place for a highly uniform military service. It’s the perfect place for those who simply lack the character and personality to become professional troops. Truly professional military men don’t need the tight order, and it robs them of precious time and effort better spent getting the job done.
The bright flashes of success in the US military activity in various places of the world come when some rebel is at the helm on some level. There has been a concerted effort to root them out, but despite their best efforts, the bean-counting managers can’t keep real men from enlisting in the lower ranks, or escaping officer training intact. These real men put up with all the crap and go on to get the job done. What we aren’t being told is how few of such men there are compared to the mass of barely usable bodies. TPTB have worked mightily to reduce everything in America which tends to produce such men. Since they didn’t succeed in preventing them from forming, they have been trying to kill them in combat.
Having a single unified structure with a hateful and arrogant command bureaucracy began very early in American history. We can blame Washington. The only reason he won any battles is because of sheer luck, but more often because the enemy command was less competent. He crushed the fighting spirit of his own men and imported the very worst habits of European militaries in blithering stupidity, arrogantly ignoring every lesson he could have learned from his own experiences during the Revolution.
We can only assume God Himself was determined to have the American Revolution succeed, because it was against all odds. It was not at all due to any greatness in our leadership. To this day, most of our military successes have to do with more money. The majority of the US federal budget still goes into the military. When there simply is no more money to throw at our troops, we will quickly see how our guys compare with the enemy. It won’t be pretty.
Here’s a warning: God isn’t with us any more.
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