Things will get worse than they are now for most humans on this earth.
That’s about as close as I can come to a real prediction. If you ask me what I’m doing to prepare as the new year comes around, it works out a little differently.
As noted in my previous post, I could care less what arbitrary names and numbers others apply to a particular day. My only interest is in how others refer to it so I can communicate. It’s rather like choosing to use English; there are certain accepted conventions, grammar and spelling, vocabulary, etc. Most of my readers make reference to various well-established holiday names and dates, so I use them.
The US government, as well as other folks among TBTP, use the common Western calendar for their stuff. If past activity is any guide, a great deal hinges on the finance cyclical planning and government bureaucracy planning. If Half Past Human predicts March 2012 will see major changes, that’s not hard to guess without all the expensive algorithms. Why do you suppose it’s called “March”? In most of the Northern Hemisphere, that’s the earliest time you can march — put troops in the field. Despite all the fancy seasonal training, you can bet most Western military planning takes weather cycles into account. If your activities, military or otherwise, require lots of bodies moving all at once in certain areas, March is about the earliest time of year it’s becomes more predictable.
Congress has already signaled the intent to do bad things to us. Not that there’s any real news there, but TPTB have to deal with a lot of balky servants. Put it on paper and some folks will do almost anything, because they somehow believe, almost like magic, they can’t get into trouble. Most of those who serve the Dark Side are whiny and want their butts covered. Granted, it can get complicated. Right now there is a turning tide regarding SOPA and PIPA, as the sponsorship is crumbling. Congress may be embarrassed into backing off putting on paper what the government already intends to do with the Internet. This means fewer lapdogs will bark and bite on cue, so it won’t work out quite the same. It’s not that they won’t take over the Internet to satisfy the corporate thugs, but they’ll have to use a more expensive and time-consuming plan for it. Meanwhile, as more and more people interact with the Net via cellphones, it becomes much easier to close off large collections of sites for the critical mass of human awareness. The old Internet will become irrelevant for most people, and the phone-centric Net will become the major target of interest for them and TPTB.
I wrote previously I don’t believe the economic system, particularly in reference to banking and currency controls, is subject to the apparent laws everyone else is discussing. That is, you would think sooner or later the amount of debt would bring the movement of currency through the system largely to a halt. But I’m convinced TPTB can decide how much is too much, and things won’t collapse until they decide it. It’s not subject to the vagaries of mass human perception, but the other way around. Human perception will be manipulated by public pronouncements which may or may not have anything to do with actual numbers and such. So while things may well come apart globally in 2012, they don’t have to, and none of the popular chatter by even the most savvy commentators about it means anything at all. That is, too much of the popular chatter is based on whatever the bankers wish to say about something they never have to honestly report because they are the only ones who know; it’s whatever they say it is.
As for my actual planning: I’m going to pretend the economy will limp along for at least another year. My activities here in Rural Flyover America predict we will muddle through. It’s not that I have no backup plans, but that’s simply because I figure if this is the year for chaos of any kind, I can’t predict the flavor or shape of it. I know what I hope I can do, but there are simply too many surprises possible, even likely, should TPTB decide to create a little excitement. My calculations also include the very real hand of God doing things He hasn’t bothered to discuss with anyone down here. With so many hucksters claiming to speak for Him, I generally avoid pronouncements of every voice except the one in my head. If God doesn’t take the same measures He has in the past to get my attention on something, it probably doesn’t apply to me. Naturally, I’ll blather endlessly here if I think that changes.
So I can safely guess we’ll have some more warfare in the Middle East, moving troops to places we haven’t sent them recently. More trillions of dollars will be wasted on killing brown people who dress and talk funny, in places with names we can’t pronounce, much less spell properly. We’ll use increasingly expensive equipment with increasingly more problems, and fail more gloriously on the field of battle, even while proclaiming we somehow won. We’ll send our best and brightest, only to have them come home missing pieces, on drugs, or in boxes, bags and straitjackets. That’s what we’ve done for a long time, and there’s no reason to expect it to change.
Since the electoral process is highly controlled and manipulated, it won’t matter if 99% of America votes for Ron Paul, he won’t win anything. In the last primary some of his delegates mysteriously disappeared or died on the way to the Republican Convention. Those who made it there safely were coerced, beaten and silenced in other ways by the system. He’s the best man, which is why he can’t win. I predict he’ll end up third party. Barring major surprises, Romney will be the nominee and Obama will win again. If not, it won’t make much difference.
We are soooooo screwed. Happy New Year.
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I think that you have summed it up pretty accurately Ed. I took the Half Past Human report with several grains of salt too but it does seem as if the early part of 2012 will see the crisis (or crises) point being reached- you can only rob Peter to pay Paul for so long.
More war in the Middle East- sure, why not. It is the traditional place for wars to be started so I am sure that Syria or Israel will be a focal point for conflict again.
And Ron Paul makes too much sense to become the GOP candidate. From my distant perspective it almost seems as if the GOP don’t want to win this election. Perhaps they see Obama superintending the end of civilization as being a win-win for the Republican Party. Here is Australia it seems that the conservatives aren’t very keen on governing, only in picking up their paychecks while remaining in opposition.
I don’t think that we are any more screwed than we have been for ever and a day. The rich get richer and the poor get shit on. It’s the way of the world.
Happy New Year to you and yours too Ed.
Third parties have no chance in national elections and the Republican Party has turned into clueless Eloi. Thus, Obama wins by default.
Does it really matter, though? The elite class is going to screw things for them and the rest of us regardless. Shalom comes not from fixing the system but recalibrating our expectations.
How right you are; our peace is not dependent on externals.
Totally agree. RP makes waaaaay to much sense. Not to mention his plan includes tearing apart large parts of the govt the commercial sector use to keep things “status quo”. For evidence of this, the whole Raw Milk scam. More ppl have died in 1 yr from Pasteurized then in 10 from Raw, yet they “Raid” the helpless raw milk farmers touting their actions as “helping to keep the US ppl safe from harm.”
What ever.