Taking down MegaUpload was a calculated PsyOp.
It’s not hard to understand. While I admire the heroics of blacking out the the entry page to numerous websites, the psychopaths will not be bullied. The language used by Chris Dodd should be enough to demonstrate these people don’t care about truth, facts, or humans. It’s all about power. They aren’t going to be turned away from it. If you brutally and publicly slaughtered Dodd, some other ugly SOB would put his face on TV seconds later.
Stop and think for a second. Did they take down MegaUpload without the benefit of SOPA/PIPA? No problem, just some extra paper work. Why them? Because they dared to post a video of all the “clients” of Chris Dodd’s criminal extortionist gang, clients who dared to advertise for MegaUpload as one of the greatest supports for their art. These people, who know the MAFIAA have them by the short-and-curlies, realize the best thing that can happen to them is for their artwork to escape the controls of the MAFIAA. The only people who could possibly be hurt by this is the MAFIAA extortionists. The logic of real Internet marketing escapes most people. So MAFIAA had to make an example of them.
And who would have guessed Anonymous would have responded? Weren’t you so surprised by that? But this isn’t the core group, of course, because it was nothing more than punks with a DDoS. We all know the real core of Anonymous would actually crack into the servers, not simply swamp them with traffic. But the punks who pretend they are hackers are by far so predictable, are they not?
This is precisely what Dodd and friends knew would happen. Now we have a valid excuse to push through SOPA/PIPA without any modifications. Problem solved — two at once, in fact. Sometimes you wonder how much this reflects simple infiltration at 4chan.
We’ll know something useful was done when, as Vox suggests, we see personal details of the psychopaths’ lives released for publication at Pastebin. Or other, juicy revelations from actually getting inside the server networks of these thugs. It can be done; trust me. Whether it answers the need for Anonymous, or the rest of us, remains to be decided by those who can do it.
It’s the same as the government having the power to take down any site they choose, and arrest the admins and owners. They could have taken MegaUpload anytime since it came online. It has gotten easier lately, but what almost nobody wants to admit is how SOPA/PIPA won’t make it all the much easier. The Feds and MAFIAA simply want it on paper what they plan to do anyway, and the opposition wants to pretend not getting those laws is going to make any difference. The psychopaths already have that power; it’s just a question of how much paper work is involved. That it was announced at all was an open provocation.
Meanwhile, the only difference between our version of “democracy” versus naked oppression is the fun and games of manipulation.
Addenda: Okay, I forgot to mention the fellow behind MegaUpload (Kimble Schmitz, AKA “Kim Dotcom”) is a bona fide crook and probably an intelligence asset for someone. I’m not here to praise MegaUpload. What I wanted to point out was how patently silly it is to ignore the timing, as if it were simply an accident. John Young at Cryptome makes the case this was almost certainly done using military grade security tools — “counter-terrorism” — for a rather petty criminal case. Every time the government promises this is not what will happen, it has become the single primary use of the thing in question.
We aren’t cynical enough.
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