I could be wrong, I’ll admit.
I am utterly certain of one thing, though: Sane people will admit to mistakes. Not just the theatrical lip service of admitting being less than perfect, but real repentance, stuff that matters. Most people who don’t admit to mistakes are neurotic. A few are psychotic. But some are just plain old evil, no matter why they do it.
You can’t tell me these people are operating in good faith. If I understand what’s going on, they surely do, since they are far better informed, and all with better educations. Nobody has to tell them they are causing problems and hurting people, or that what they do is not just or lawful. The only possible motive is enjoying the suffering of others.
Here are some examples: Ben Bernanke. He knows better than any of us just how completely his service is wholly devoted to the bankers and their retainers. Go ahead and write him a letter, telling him you got him pegged. Won’t matter. The only reason he does that sort of work from his office is because he’s not man enough to walk up and simply stab you to death in person. No, he directs a bunch of other people who will destroy you by a thousand cuts of the other sort, taking everything you have to live for so that his buddies can be fatter and more comfortable. I refuse to discuss his actions in terms of some fabled honest belief he’s doing what’s best for the nation; he knows better than that.
Or his buddy over in HHS, Kathleen Sebelius. It wouldn’t have taken her ten minutes to find out the newest regulations published on 20 January 2012 would force all Catholics in the US to either violate their religious commitments or fight the government. She knew that already. With willful malevolence, she proceeded on the path she knew would hurt people. And it was in the upper reaches of the military that hatefully directed chaplains not to read the letter from their archbishop to the troops, describing this conflict in terms of Catholic conscience. After my years of military service, I can tell you those folks at the top are some vicious and spiteful folks. They are not nice people; otherwise they would never have gotten to the top.
Look, if I thought Catholics were right, I’d be one. But there is nothing to gain by running around poking your fingers in their eyes. They aren’t guided and influenced by such pressure. They may have funny ways of doing things, and I take issue with lots of their positions, but they didn’t arrive at them lightly. Much of it came through the fire of persecution and savage opposition. They firmly believe it’s worth shedding their own blood for these things. Sadly, I have to wonder if the Catholic senior leadership will really show some backbone, because if they push hard enough, those craven thugs in government will back down. The latter aren’t fighting for anything bigger than themselves and their personal comforts. They simply have agreed to come together and fight as one for their common comforts. This is war.
Indeed, the lies and casual disregard of morality is a standard feature of military management (I refuse to call it “leadership”). So rare are those candid statements about things, I have to wonder anyone in uniform survives publishing such honest appraisals. Does no one realize the only way to change another country to your liking is to colonize it? Anything less is a contrived excuse for slaughter and fraudulent waste.
I’ve been reamed myself for being honest, and watched others get it even worse. There are people today — God help me — I’d be willing to see executed for the lies and sheer meanness they poured out on honest and decent soldiers. If I could just find an honest court of inquiry, I could easily succeed at prosecuting their case based on my personal knowledge alone, and the testimony of their victims.
But judges these days often, after some years of good service to grand raping thugs like Monsanto, then turn around and resign for a better paying job with their real constituency. No, not every time and every place, but don’t expect any real justice until God Himself comes thundering down upon the earth. That so many of us tolerate these things makes us all equally guilty.
I might be wrong on some things, but I’m willing to stake everything I have and am on the outcome.
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