Fantasies of Equality

The mere fact a woman can be raped proves they are not, and cannot be equal.
Anyone who is surprised military females are raped and silenced suffers even more fantasies, because this is utterly typical of how male troops act. If they did not act that way, they would be lousy troops. What makes them sharp and dangerous on the battlefield is what makes them a rape threat to any female. That is, given modern military structure and modern methods of warfare.
Obviously not all soldiers are that way, but a significant minority are like that because of our hideously stupid recruiting policies. You won’t get the good guys without that quota of predators and thugs. Further, the same guy is often capable of both under the right context.
Women are not and cannot be equal to men. Men are not and cannot be equal to each other. That’s because “equal” is politically defined, and it’s the one place where equality is utterly impossible, an old and established heresy. It’s not just a bad lie, but a damned evil one, a lie specifically designed to hurt people and destroy human life. People who go about insisting on political equality are evil, and they owe much more than a simple apology to the rest of us.
No amount of punishment and conditioning can possibly change the US military into a place safe for women to serve. The ugliest and most repulsive bull dyke would get raped if there weren’t easier and better pickings. It’s not a bad place for nymphomaniacs, but they’ll die young. Such is the nature of the beast, I can assure you, because I’ve been in the bowels of it. The ultimate meaning of what I saw was all too painfully obvious. Even then, I will tell you great things happened, as well. The rich opportunity for evil is the same opportunity for good. I don’t regret it, but I would never allow women to serve if I had a choice.
Women are different, precious in their own right as women. Not to be put on a pedestal, not to be catered to, but allowed to operate in their own way. Not according to our grand multi-layer cultural mythology, but according to the reality of what they are, and the sheer magic of how they actually do things. If I could never touch one again, like most men I would die rather than live in a world without them.
But women are not equal if equal means interchangeable.

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