Blundering Oppression

The most competent people in government service have a tendency to leave that service. What’s left is a vast army of idiots.
You realize, of course, I am attacking the popular social orthodoxy which reveres the military in particular, and government service in general. Oh, those sacred souls bearing the sacrifice of poor pay in order to serve “we the people”! This sentiment is assumed so you aren’t permitted to question it without risking physical abuse from some grouchy old Marine, or other true believers with a similar disposition. How do you dare; what right have you?
Okay, I’m a disabled veteran, and have sacrificed normal functioning of my body parts while wearing that uniform. I paid my dues. And I still say the military is loaded with psychopaths who lead a bunch of nincompoops. Yes, there are good people in uniform, some intelligent ones, but not many wise ones. When they figure out what’s going on, they leave. Were it not this vast army of idiots representing the way government operates as a whole, we would be glad we found a place to keep them all out of our way. The problem is, we have a terribly active and intrusive government, and it’s run by those idiots.
And then you realize the very safety of our national security lies in the hands of these people. Sadly for Lynnae Williams, what few competent people there are in the CIA are those assigned to keeping her quiet. Since it’s too late to prevent her ranting, I’m waiting to see how long she lives. Without knowing where her heart is — Twitter doesn’t lend itself to broad self-disclosure — I’m guessing she is more rattled at the CIA than the government in general. The CIA is loaded with self-important jerks, and her tolerance was just about pushed to the limit during training. What I hope to point out, in case you didn’t already know it, is this is the sort of people who run CIA field operations.

I attribute any #CIA successes to accidents, not #competence. CIA recruited too many incompetent misfits, it can’t be an accident

I suppose those in the upper ranks aren’t quite stupid, but I have to wonder what their real goals are. Protecting US citizens is hardly of any importance to them. If anything, the CIA is probably one of the greatest threats to the average American. But since my college days, CIA recruiters always went after the most incredible jerks who felt they should be ruling the world. And my limited experience with CIA agents is they didn’t get any wiser during their training.
Most of us who see this sort of thing don’t bother to write books about it. Sure, I’ve mentioned this problem in previous posts, but it was only a small part of my mission. It’s just one minor truth which looms large only in certain contexts. The broad general truth of psychopaths running the US government applies all the way down the chain in all directions. Thus, our military is hardly that competent. You never hear of the vast number of debilitating incidents which plague all military operations. You seldom hear about the huge waste that arises from sheer incompetence. If they were honest, the largest single cost in the military budget is loss from bungling. It’s institutionalized at every level; I know because I helped compose budget requests for military operations, and it would never be tolerated in a profit-making business.
How do you describe extravagance which still results in an artificially stressful environment such that stupid mistakes are the norm? It’s madness.
As with virtually every military operation today, by far the majority of what the CIA does is not in pursuit of a sane agenda. I’m pretty sure there is some intelligent sinister purpose in it, but the government continues to absorb some of the worst of humanity. At the same time, the net result of government behavior maintains a high ratio of idiots to choose from. We get just a peek at this through the Twitter activity of people like Lynnae Williams. There is no reason to doubt what she says, and she’s not telling the half of it.
Here’s what I hope you take away from it all: Include this in your calculations and general awareness. Cynicism is a gift from God, but don’t let this slow you down. You still have to pursue your mission. When you remember it’s not about accomplishments, but faithfulness, you don’t feel so overwhelmed by a very concerted effort to overwhelm you with fear and general panic. The real battle is not on the ground, but in your soul.

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