Bring your own conclusions.
All I have are questions and some tentative answers, plus plenty of additional information folks try to hide. To me it’s more important we dig up the stuff everyone is trying to hide.
Claim and counterclaim: ML King said the US political system was stacked unfairly against a whole range of people, most prominently the black citizens. He sought to highlight an institutionalized prejudice which made things unfairly difficult for them to participate in everything life had to offer in the US.
The US Government says ML King was a bad man with subversive plans against the political stability of the US, some of it plainly illegal. Implied is the idea his agenda is bad for the people, and the elected and appointed servants of the people only did their jobs.
King was killed in Memphis, TN, on the threshold of a truly significant moment of national decision on several issues. Why it matters is no one has managed to match his ability to rally public opinion, so his death was highly significant, a serious blow to the movement.
On one side, we have a civil trial which concludes the US Government did assassinate ML King. The claimants do a nice job of pulling up all the stuff the government tried to hide. The ultimate hide was government officials refusing to execute their duty to bring it to a criminal trial. Painfully obvious is how hiding all this stuff prevented any kind of accountability. Claims to representing the will of the people are manifestly false. If your curiosity is piqued, you’ll need to read at least the blog post linked above. So far as anyone was permitted to prove it in a court of law, the US Government is guilty.
There are also any number of websites, with varying degrees of credibility, offering various collections of some of the same evidence and perhaps some not used in the civil trial.
Meanwhile, there are roughly an equal number of sites which point out facts which do tend to back some of the government’s claims to King’s agenda being a serious threat. The evidence includes photos of the young King at communist training seminars. This is linked with well known, but largely ignored, published plans and manifestos by communists to use racial tensions in the US to create political instability. The plans are also directly linked to the schools such as King attended. I would also note some of this communist activity was most certainly infiltrated by government spies, and some of it we know for certain was actually sponsored under false flags by government black ops. Often unasked is whether the communists were simply taking advantage of the inevitable, or as implied, it was all their doing.
If you are of a religious bent, you might be interested to know King himself wrote several books attesting his own very liberal theology. Among theologians the scandal is he openly rejected the Virgin Birth and the Deity of Christ. Matching this is a wealth of evidence indicating King was morally reprobate in many ways, as a philanderer, serious plagiarist, and assorted other charges of moral turpitude.
Finally, if anyone believes the current popular claimants to King’s agenda are actually promoting the same agenda, it’s too easy to prove them wrong. You may not read it very often, but the same people who funded and supported the above noted civil lawsuit regarding King’s assassination are the very same people who decry these “race hustlers” making so much noise in the press. If you don’t see the sharp division here, you aren’t paying attention.
But who is right? None of them, necessarily. You’d be a fool if you allowed the government’s perfidy regarding King to bury his flaws. He’s not a saint by any common definition. Nor is this a question whether it’s justified to name public fixtures after him in every city across the land, or have a holiday renamed in his honor (formerly, Columbus Day). Those things are settled by politics and we are right cynical of all politics. King was part of the movement which brought us the Delphi Method, and his people used it generously. Many who claim his legacy still use it generously. Indeed, most of what we hear about politics from the MSM is a portion of that method writ large.
The worst thing any of us could do is allow someone else to write the whole story for us, because there are no saints in this story. Bad enough are the lying assertions, but worst of all is the vast cover-up on both sides of this question. Make up your own mind.

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