Where Will You Go?

Lots of articles about expatriating, fleeing to other countries, particularly from the US.
Naturally, it requires money I don’t have. That’s a package deal, though. In order to become the kind of person who struggles so hard for a high income, I’d have to become the kind of person who fears enough to want to flee.
Think about it for a moment. Where in the world would it be safe from the rising NWO global takeover? It’s pretty hard to find a place you can’t be found and made miserable. Most of the examples offered in the MSM are fake. Kony’s jungle hideout? He’s a goon paid by the CIA; they have no intention of catching him. Would you want to live in the jungles in the first place? It’s not too bad for Kony, but I wonder how many of my readers could adapt as comfortably as one who grew up there.
Just about anything the MSM promotes is fake. That suicide in Syntagma Square in Greece played into the hands of the NWO. I’m not suggesting it’s a fake suicide, or even that they produced it, but probably counted on any number of crazy things like that because they want people to see the riots. Something in the fallout is useful and valuable to the NWO; they’ve got big plans for Greece. Who would consider fleeing to Greece from the US?
Some part of my scrambled brain says the NWO puts a high value on the Mediterranean Basin. Not simply because of oil in or near it, but something more fundamental. We can understand how Kony is all about natural resources, because unrest too big to handle by locals gets them ready to beg for help from Big Brother, who then can go in and secure access to the resources. That is already happening. But the pattern isn’t the same in Club Med, except superficially. The real difference is, without political unrest, the Med would be the nicest place on earth to live as most people measure such things. Everything is close, unlike the South Pacific. And most equatorial regions come with too many nasty critters and diseases, but the Med is pretty safe, almost optimal for human life. Still, I think there’s something else going on there with so very much loving attention to keeping it stirred up.
I’m willing to bet there’s some evil plot which involves decimating a lot of human population from the earth, particularly in places they want for themselves. Not that they won’t extend it to the whole earth, but I suspect there’s more interest in the Med than anywhere else. And I’m willing to bet what the NWO plans to do in larger terms will show up first there. They want it all for themselves. This is what makes them totally different creatures from you and I.
It is the same thing which keeps most of us from really hiding in isolation. Mankind wasn’t designed for serious isolation, though things improve dramatically even in thin populations. Something in the ferment of mixed humanity is refreshing when it’s not stupid or hostile. Right now, the best places to flee depend entirely too much on having lots of money for life support, but in places which would offer too little of what we really crave. Very few of us could stand to hide out in some quiet little nowhere. Again, this is what makes the NWO conspirators so very different from the rest of us, as they seem quite certain they would like a highly depopulated planet.
For myself, I know it’s worn thin as gauze. For the past decade I’ve lived where I had all the time in the world to play on the Internet, read books, ride or walk as much as I like, eat decent food, and still within reach of the big city when I really need it. The one thing I don’t have, and dearly miss, is a significant community of like-minded Christian believers to share it all with. Even if they didn’t share all my weirdness, but simply tolerated me and let me do my best work, I’d be much happier. I’d sacrifice a lot of what I have now for that. I’ve been in that position a couple of times, and it was like paradise on earth.
But you can’t buy that at any price. It was a confluence of uncontrollable factors coming together serendipitously. It was people, not circumstances. I’m doing what I can to recreate some elements of that wherever I go; it’s burned within me. But it’s not easy. By no means does it require bucolic stability. It’s more about a congregating of people who want something more than simply fleeing to a nice place on earth, because they sense there is really no such thing. All it takes is just a handful in a crowd, a surprisingly small critical mass, and the whole crowd starts paying attention, wanting what I have to share, and sharing what they have in the same vein.
Unlike frantic expatriation, it’s not in vain. Peace is not in the circumstance, but in the soul.

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