Introduction II

Here is a quick summary of my weirdness.

Yesterday, Karen De Coster linked one of my blog posts from her own blog and from Occasionally my interests overlap hers, though I can’t guess how often she checks here to see. At any rate, the hits here doubled my last best, and yesterday closed with over 1200. I also got a few comments, mostly in the vein of disputing this or that. Today will see more, I’m sure.

I want to save those readers some time.

I take the position the Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) society was the pinnacle of what pleases God. That includes the ANE mystical intellectual outlook, a completely different epistemology than is common in the West today. I am unmoved by Aristotelian logic in general, and care little for this world in the first place, so don’t regale me all your alleged scientific findings in support of some debate with what I write. I don’t deny science can discern some useful things, but most “science” is a concealed political agenda, and most “scientists” are still entirely human and hardly objective. Even at their best, scientists could hardly discern the moral fabric inherent in the universe, so they often miss the point. Humanity has not changed since the Fall, so the moral position found in God’s revelation of Himself, as recorded in the Bible (I prefer the Protestant canon) is the only one that matters.

It seems always necessary for me to note I read the Bible with that ANE-Hebrew approach as best I can discern what it was. That puts me fundamentally at odds with Western Christianity as a whole. I’ve burned through a world of electrons discussing the implications of that, posted the results of that on this blog, and two others (one now defunct), and my static website (now closed). As my understanding of such things grows and/or drifts, I’ll update that accordingly. That’s the bulk of what I write. I further take the position my fundamental assumptions were placed in my soul and spirit by God Himself, so they aren’t subject to debate.

I’m always glad to answer questions, but debate is a Western preoccupation which doesn’t interest me. I assert what I see God burning into my consciousness, and let the truth make its own path through your soul, or not. When I read your comments and emails, I do the best I can to discern your intent and various motivations which are common to humanity. I’ll get it wrong sometimes. It’s up to you to pursue that as you like, because I never get tired of entertaining guests. The record so far is a long conversation with one other writer running more than 30 comments to one post. Yes, I delete what looks like spam, but I do read everything. In case you are wondering, I regard myself as a genuine prophet of God, and tend to write in that mode.

I belong to no institutionalized religion. My wife and I host worship in our home, and I am known in my community as “a preacher”. That’s not exactly accurate, but culturally appropriate, since I maintain an ordination certificate just to simplify things before the law. I distinguish between elders and pastors, and I am the former. I take that to mean my calling is more at organization and management of earthly issues based on what I find the Bible requires. This brings us back to my original assertion about ANE society: God intends for us to live in a tribal community as the single most effective structure for living in this fallen world. I regard the modern Western nation-state as a blatant rejection of God’s Word, along with democracy and Western feudalism. It should be Eastern feudalism, if you must know, but no one should have much say in your daily life unless they are related by blood or covenant (marriage, among others).

Oh, and I could care less about the so-called “Primal Diet” because my concerns are not about some human measures of effectiveness and health. My body is an expendable resource for God and my diet and workout regimen reflect what seems a reasonable compromise between the numerous demands and options within the context of my life. For example, I am generally vegetarian because safe meat is not in my price range right now. Safe eggs and dairy are available at a good price where I live, so that plus lots of nuts and legumes is how I get my protein.

The last thing I want to do is dictate to anyone. I offer what I have; everyone must decide for themselves whether to join in sharing it with me. I don’t take myself that seriously, nor do I take this plane of existence seriously. I am utterly certain it will all be destroyed when God has had enough, and nothing here really matters so much as a desire to please Him.

Thank you for visiting.

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