Perhaps the most disturbing part of modern mythology is about rape.
First, let’s review the basics. We have a certain amount of our human nature which is hard-wired from Creation. Further, the curse of the Fall adds some other features. The Laws of God (Moses, Noah, etc.) reflect our current wiring as humans. We are not bound by the Laws, but use them as a source to understand, and are encouraged to abstract principles of justice using Jesus and His Apostles as examples of how to do it. Where we stand today is atop several layers of mythology between us the bedrock of reality. We seek to strip away the intervening layers of mythology to get back to reality.
(Update: Think about what I’m saying here, folks. All of Western Civilization is crap; it’s one of Satan’s greatest achievements. I’ve been attacking Western intellectual assumptions for years and if you have just stumbled across this post as your first visit to my blog, get a clue before you bother commenting and defending Western Feminist lies. I am faithfully reporting what God has taught from ancient times, and He’s not impressed with your opinions to the contrary. Neither am I.)
Modern social and legal definitions of rape are pure crap. Rape is forced sex. The Laws indicate the basic requirement is that the victim resists as much as they dare, including a cry for assistance. Yes, we have some thinking to do about how modern criminal techniques may reduce the likelihood of resistance or raising alarms, but by no means can mere regret justify a claim of rape. Women are highly variable about such things, and all too likely to lie about it. That’s a fact. On the other hand, we also cannot imagine the necessity of a death penalty for raping a woman married or engaged. The whole thing is of necessity pretty messy and our entire cultural gloss makes things worse.
Nobody denies women can be traumatized by life, but even that depends too much on our flaky Western culture. Still, it can be shocking to the point of serious injury to the psyche. So can a lot of other things, so we cannot let this one thing stand out as deserving of some special handling, as if physical penetration of any orifice is somehow more taboo than all the other horrifying things people do to each other.
Rape is a violent act. However, that does not mean it can’t be a sexual act at the same time. Unwanted sexual intercourse is not the definition of rape. The reason we have so much brouhaha over this is because we have one of the most licentious societies in human history, and that confuses just about everything in terms of the ancient roots of human justice. So this discussion here assumes we already recognize God’s revelation says sex is just and right only when between a husband and wife, period. You can extrapolate as you like if your morals are different, but that’s where we start.
Unwilling sex does have a place a place in society. What is the old English phrase for that? “Humbling a woman.” Place this in the context of the advice given by some women in recent history, suggesting sometimes a contentious woman simply needs a hard riding and she’ll behave better. Perhaps you know a woman who is smart enough to be appropriately submissive to her man. Our cultural connotations for that are all wrong; the point is she knows whose team she is on, and doesn’t fight her own husband when he takes the lead. It doesn’t mean she’s cowed and afraid of the world. A strong woman is a gift if she turns her combativeness onto the outside world and defends her man.
Women do respond to strength in man. Perhaps his strength of charisma is enough, but when it’s not, there are other ways to get her attention. She has no right to resist her own husband. If she were too much a problem, I’d send her packing in the first place. Not all men are like that, nor do all men live in a context where that’s an option. How much force does it take to remind her? Force is not inherently evil.
We have enough problems with human wretchedness; we don’t need to create imaginary crimes.
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“unwilling sex has a place in society”
Give me a break. If a woman doesn’t “cow” to her husband, its probably because the husband is a loser who deserves not to reproduce.
What we deserve is not the point. She married him; God leaves her (or him) few escape options. Part of reclaiming his manhood may include taking such actions. If all we got was what we deserved, Hell would run out of space.
Crabclaw, you have been banned. You ignore the context of the post and make personal attacks which serve no purpose.
You clearly are blind. Marriage entitles no man to force his wife, nor does it require a woman to have sex that it unwanted. Any man who would do that is not living in accordance to the rules of your god. Any woman who “cows” to her husband, has obviously been scared into that state.
Banning people who do not share your views only enhances your own ignorance.
You are entitled to your opinion. However, you obviously know too little of my God and His Laws to comment sensibly. There isn’t space here to correct your ignorance, but it’s plain to see you haven’t read any other posts, which cover those Laws in great detail. This post is just another of those details.
The ban on crabclaw is plainly explained. It’s simple: This is my blog, and comments are according to my rules. Hostility isn’t a problem, nor ugly comments about me personally, so long as those comments are part of a point being made. I deleted the comment which violated that rule, as well as the other: insisting on debating something I’ve already said is not open to debate. I don’t need your permission to teach my God’s Laws. Check the first site linked on my blog roll for an outline of subjects not open to debate.
I’m praying God brings light to your darkened soul, as I do with crabclaw.