There is far, far less waste in society where agape is a prominent feature.
This plane of existence is one big lie, and no part of tangible reality is valuable in itself. It’s only value is how useful it can be at any moment in pointing out the higher reality beyond this one. If I can use something to demonstrate agape-love to another person, it serves a purpose. Otherwise, it’s just so much trash.
Though not a great one, efficiency of use in those things which serve love’s purpose is a concern. Love is the thing, not the stuff we use to promote love. People who fuss much over efficient use of resources get it all backwards, regarding love as a luxury, with material progress coming first in their concerns. I try to use resources efficiently unless that gets in the way of love.
But it stands to reason a social structure which encourages and presumes love and trust in general will waste a lot less time and resources trying to protect resources. What characterizes a neighborhood where self-sacrifice is only for suckers? Bars on the windows, heavy steel doors, chain-link fences topped with barbed wire. What characterizes a neighborhood where love and trust are the norm? Unlocked doors, open windows, stuff left out where harmless borrowing is not feared.
When predation is the common currency of a culture, lots of stuff is wasted simply trying to obtain the bare minimum for life. When predation is universally excoriated, everyone lives better. When fakery is the rule, it’s worse than open predation. How hard is it to imagine what kinds of neighborhoods we are talking about? You tell me. Go ahead and assign racial values, because we all know what it’s like to live in fear of humans who look really different and can be relied on to act differently.
There are places where you can enter into the society and see that efficiency of love. They still exist today, where people share with insiders, and welcome anyone who wants to make the change and become an insider. Once you get past the barriers of caution against an ugly world in an ugly time, you are loved in these places. Maybe you’ve seen them, but likely not much.
Just keep these things in mind as the world in which we live continues to come apart.
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