I feel like the Mayan calendar — the previous epoch is ending and now we start another.
Have you ever wished you could clone yourself and get more done in less time? The problem is the clone would have an independent mind and might not do what the original wants. But we do often divide ourselves into compartments. If it goes too far, we call it schizophrenia. Yet on some practical level, good mental health means we can’t treat all the things we encounter exactly the same. This is especially true with human beings. We are a different person to everyone who knows us; this is part of living in a broken universe.
On my other blog it’s all about a narrow interest on distinctly Christian spirituality. It’s relentlessly Christian. Here, I felt the need to be a little more clinical and theoretical. I’m the same guy writing both, but expressing differing drives, a different purpose and goal. The purpose on this blog is the one which is changing, not the other.
A primary issue is I no longer aspire to be a writer. That’s not a signal the quality — such as it is — will suffer, but a change in purpose. Because of that, the discipline of writing daily consistently is gone. The posting behavior is likely to be more erratic. I’m still more likely to cover broader interest stuff, but even there, the emphasis will shift a bit. I’m not sure I can describe it, but it’s as if to say the whole drive train has been replaced.
Call it delusion if you like, but my claim to be a prophet of God is likely to be more important here in the future. The prophets of the Old Testament were widely varied as men go, each bringing his own unique talents to the mission. It’s not as if I can forget everything I’ve ever done or studied. This blog will still be aimed at a wider audience, offering more room for those who don’t necessarily share my beliefs than the other blog. Nevertheless, regular readers will detect a shift in subject matter and tone.
That’s because this crazy prophet sees some really big changes in the Spirit Realm, and I’m willing to bet anyone with any kind of spiritual sensitivity shares that perception. I’ve already seen where folks from other religions — Hindu, Buddhist, syncretist — are saying the same thing, just in different ways. Those who can sense the Other Realm know things are afoot, and it’s hardly your garden variety stuff. The hounds of Hell have been set loose to an unusual degree, and this calls for a change. It’s a whole new game.
It may not coincide with all the blather from the mainstream, or even the alternative press, but what you read on the Net in terms of news will surely reflect this fundamental shift in reality. So, for example, you should expect a sudden rise in violence and related crimes. Not everywhere at once, not to the same degree, but as a general trend globally.
If this is not your kind of buffet, you have been warned at least the menu is changing. The one thing you should not mistake is how much I care about all of you, whether I can contribute to your life or not.
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