I am a food activist, in the sense I am actively doing what I can to make food available at the best cost possible. I offer to help anyone find out where to get free food from nature.
For example, my bonus find of blackberries yesterday was at SE 44th and Choctaw Rd., on the SW corner. Watch your step; they are thick. Another place I’ve yet to check recently is just west of Triple X Rd. on SE 59th, the north side. Of course, the development just west of our trailer park has tons of blackberry bushes along any mowed common area, plus a few fruit trees and lots of persimmon if you know where to look.
We found some cranberries buried in the bottom of our freezer, so we pureed them (it requires extra liquid) with blackberries to make a mixed jam. Did the same with the last of our strawberries and some more blackberries. I now have some 16 pints of berry jams. I’m letting the neighborhood kids scavenge the rest of our strawberries for this year. I’m pretty sure a few will want to go along on the next blackberry pick, and I’m going to make sure they all get more than they can eat.
An activist does things to change the situation. I can justify food activism of this sort, simply because it’s fundamental to the Laws of God. Political activism is just the opposite. It’s folly by definition.
To say someone is “anti-” this or that implies they are an activist. There is something there which is more than mere dislike or failure to support. So, for example, I’m not anti-gay. I don’t care a whit either way about gay marriage, because I don’t want the government involved in marriage at all. According to the Laws of God, any sex act itself is de facto marriage between the partners, and He isn’t happy if you spread it around.
I just note homosexuality is a sin according to Scripture. I don’t support it, and will discuss it in terms the Bible does, mostly as immoral and a threat to community stability. Otherwise, it’s not worth my time to discuss it much. It’s not worth an article here, largely because it’s simply not news. I’m more likely to write about adultery and all sorts of other sexual immorality. Not in the sense of hoping to affect the laws and policies of this nation, but the moral sense of people. Human politics is typically wrong on almost everything these days, so I try to avoid that, simply because the process itself is immoral in all it’s methods here in the West.
My antipathy for Western Civilization is clearly established. Not just in its manifestations, but its very epistemology. That campaign is mostly over on this blog. It’s not likely I’ll have any new formative teachings to offer on the philosophy and religion front. You may see some opinion pieces as a means of clarification, but I’m unlikely to say anything not already stated somewhere else in my archives.
I’d be very interested in entertaining questions about anything at all. Some of my best work is done in answer to questions which make me think. Indeed, for a time on a previous blog, it was mostly just that, because I had a partner who asked brilliant questions. He’s too busy these days, and I miss that influence. I learn so much from good questions. Even contrary questions are useful. If all you want is to insult me, you are wasting your time, because that puts you in the category of folks whose opinions and feelings mean nothing to me. Get your own blog and talk bad about me all you like. On the other hand, respectful dissent makes for a powerful friendship.
I can be friends with almost anybody who wants it. Thanks for stopping by today.
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