Globalism in all its manifestations can only fail.
I’m pretty sure that’s self evident, but you wouldn’t know that by the frantic activism of some. It’s one of the major issues separating me from most of my fellow Christians in the West. There are those who see no harm, nor any real plot toward global government. They are blind to the facts staring them in the face. But the it seems everyone else is all wrapped up in fear and dread of every step along the path. We are constantly hit with all manner of detailed warnings: “They are planning to do this awful thing!”
Yes, there is a global conspiracy to take over all human government. Indeed, from what I can tell, there are several competing conspiracies, and some of the same people seem hedging their bets by involving themselves in several different schemes. Or maybe it’s really all one thing, after all?
Won’t matter, because it will fail.
What matters is all the vast and senseless human misery along the way. This is what’s truly evil. Hey, this world sucks enough already when things are going well.
Examples? There are plutocrats in Japan who feel it’s utterly essential some million or so Japanese people fry in radiation because those plutocrats don’t want to lose too much on their investments. Medical science is going to learn about mass radiation poisoning and related cancers.
How about the vaccine fascists? And those who want to restrict any unregulated source of nutrition, by shutting down private gardening and raising so much as a single food animal outside the commercial system. Yes, people are facing fines and jail for that right now, here in the US. And the EPA insists the various iterations of Corexit are all quite safe, and if whole stretches of the Gulf Coast suffer major toxic shock, too bad.
And it goes on and on. None of these are simple mishaps. There might be a sloppy accident in there on some of it, but how it was handled was overtly evil and wicked. There can be no good motives deduced in any part of this. And this is the part which really stinks about the whole thing. It’s not taking control that bothers me, but the complete inability to do it right. Whoever these nasty NWO Globalists might be, they aren’t so smart as they like to believe.
It’s this bumbling stupidity which guarantees they won’t succeed in the long run. Instead of massive rule, all they’ll accomplish is a new level of massive human misery. It won’t do any good to discuss possible motives, because by whatever means, they eventually become so hopelessly evil, they aren’t human any more. I realize most of the human race isn’t any better, but most of those who will pass through this hell on earth didn’t do anything in particular to deserve it. (Christians, will you please stop confusing the Two Realms? The Laws of God and His mercy are what apply here.)
Unfortunately, we live in interesting times.
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