For a Christian Mystic, not every question is so easily answered.
I’m one who takes the Bible very seriously as a record of God’s revelation. It’s as much as anyone can really know intellectually about God, and all we are going to know in a written form. Yet I am not a literalist as the mainstream Christians tend to be here in the West, largely because those who wrote the Scriptures were not literalists themselves. Still, I hold myself accountable to the Bible in seeking to ensure I know what the authors tried to tell us.
There are contexts and situations not addressed in Scripture. Those are reserved for the utter necessity of communing with God personally. With all my blather about God’s Laws and how so much can be known on the level of human intellect, there are some things left up in the air, in the sense you have to make your own decision based on all the factors of which you may be aware.
I’ve said the Laws clearly state you are justified in resisting evil, even with deadly force in some situations. From the spiritual side of things, it may be still wrong, but if you lack any strong spiritual sense, the Laws do permit armed resistance in some contexts. Even where I claim to be a prophet, writing a warning from God about some particular thing, I remain aware it simply may not apply to you. Don’t expect an easy answer from me on some things.
Perhaps you are aware of some of the wickedness in our US government of late, or the various state and local agencies. These are bad times, and it won’t be brief. My instinct is to avoid contact with any government agent, or to flee to some safer haven. Right now, there’s no safer place than where I am, so it’s mostly a matter of staying out of the government’s focus. That’s getting harder and harder.
A judge ruled a portion of the NDAA 2012 unconstitutional, the portion referring to indefinite detention by military forces without warrant or any other particular reason. Over the past couple of days, the House of Representatives has reaffirmed that provision against the judge’s decision. In essence, our representatives have said the military can simply walk in and confiscate anything they please, and kidnap anyone they please, at any time and under any conditions, and not have to explain it to anyone for quite some time.
We’ve seen where the military has done similar things in other countries. Too often it’s been the most depraved and senseless acts against people who were wholly innocent of any wrong against the military. Our government wants to bring that home. Wait, they already have — protesters in Chicago were “disappeared” the other day. The Chicago PD without warrant invaded a residence and arrested about nine organizers, and denied even having them in custody. A bunch of lawyers went looking for them, bugging the PD and were stonewalled completely. After they finally found the protesters, the PD did allow them to meet, but refused to perform any of the lawfully required accountability actions. In other words, it’s an unwarranted arrest and indefinite detention, bluntly refusing to perform legally required actions to offer these people one shred of their constitutional rights.
This is the new normal, folks. And if there is any false flag action in Chicago at the NATO meeting, or we somehow simply go to war with Iran lacking such a weak justification, you can be sure we’ll see this kind of stuff all over the country. It’s been coming on for quite some time, so no one should be surprised. No one is safe any more. Whatever was once meant by the phrase “rule of law” is all gone and won’t be back under the current system.
The Bible does not address such a situation. We know what some Christians did when Rome got that way for them during the persecution which arose around the end of the First Century, but not all of them by any means. There is no justification for asserting none of the believers got involved in violence, nor assert those who did were wrong. We have no grounds for saying that in the sense we cannot decide what God wants for every breathing follower of Christ on this planet beyond certain generalities. You can only decide that for yourself.
Obviously it depends on your best understanding of why bad things happen. If some government agent seems to make clear your Christian faith is the reason for being in trouble, we would expect to face it gracefully, or at the worst, to hide out as they did in the catacombs in Rome. So long as the particular reason for the oppression is not directly tied to expressions of Christian faith, it’s not so simple.
It only complicates things when the mainstream Christian organizations are the ones pressing for government zeal in prosecuting any warfare on any country Israel doesn’t like. That zealous hatred is extended to anyone here in the US who dares to suggest we might not be doing a good thing. In other words, most American Christians regard folks like me as evil enemies of Christ.
Should you resist? That’s between you and God.
Addenda: Offline question was asked how this affects my prophetic warning not to resist the coming oppression of the US government. My warning was this police state was God’s wrath on our sin as a nation. That prophetic message was aimed at mainstream Christians who support modern Israel or the Neocon agenda. It was also aimed at everyone else, except the few Christians who have been seeking genuine purity through the leading of the Spirit. Not necessarily people who agree with me completely, but people who were already objecting to the system before it was so obviously evil. We all have blood on our hands in one sense or another, but those who have not put their hands into the vast pool of blood washing out from the warfare-welfare state, who have striven to separate themselves by living a holy life defined by a higher spiritual standard, who have denounced the mainstream politics of the US — these folks have standing to consider whether they will resist.
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