The Otherworldly Warrior has no real loyalties anywhere in this realm of existence.
As a follow-up to yesterday’s post, I finished with an addenda attesting the one who operates from the Spirit Realm is not necessarily bound under the Laws of God, nor any prophecies based on those Laws. Those Laws may apply at times, but can’t possibly fit every person in all contexts. That’s the way it is with any law, and it applies to any Laws God revealed in any human language. The Laws were all revealed within a specific context, and God reserves the right to direct His servants any way He likes.
That means you may be driven to a course of action which sees you working within a system you despise. Not even so much as an infiltrator, but honestly offering a reasonable commitment on the human level to something simply because it puts where you have to be for truth to have best use of you.
The Otherworldly Warrior isn’t fighting people: they are the victims. He isn’t fighting systems because they are simply a mistaken understanding of reality. He is fighting the lies which keep such things alive. Sometimes that means you have to stand in the middle of that system and prove your point by demonstrating a much higher moral commitment, such that people understand all too well when you have to refuse to do certain things. You aren’t working toward a credibility, but harvesting that credibility because you have no doubt it will grow from your service of truth.
While it’s possible you may have to explain yourself to your associates as crazy or alien, most of the time they’ll recognize the symptoms of a truth-seeker. You don’t have to be annoying or troublesome, as one who puts on a faker persona, but you don’t worry too much either way how you appear to others. On the other hand, you’ll need to be aware of that appearance, because that’s part of truth.
Seldom does anyone completely disrespect a moral conscience. You aren’t likely to encounter too many like that. Even psychopaths, those who work within the system, will grasp how that moves you and will merely test the limits so they’ll know what they can get from you. Truly evil people are either wacko or too busy with more important things than noticing you and I. It’s one of those highly reliable paradoxes. You’ll tend to make friends with a lot of folks who never understand, never quite know what to make of you, because your commitment to truth makes you sometimes who may betray systems, but not people.
It will appear we are fighting deception over the people bound under it. Not so. We are actually fighting deception in ourselves, and people are watching and making their own decisions. Our biggest struggle is breaking our own personal bondage to this false realm, which is why the Christian Mystic avoids entanglement, yet operates with empathy. We are so committed to truth, we’ll pay any price personally to make it shine like the sun.
We have to be ready to follow the call of truth wherever it wants to use us.
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