(This is was a cross post from my other blog, where it falls under the heading of “prophetcraft” — instructional material. It seems at this moment important enough to post here, too.)
If I knew of a certainty no one was paying much attention to my prophetic ministry, it would change nothing I do.
Humans have this urge to focus on effects. They want to know what they do is accomplishing something, and they want to know it intellectually. We have this urge to want to see results, because we aren’t able to disassociate easily between the urge to serve and the reward of seeing changes.
Yet the Spirit calls to a higher regard. We don’t serve people, nor even our own sense of satisfaction. We serve Truth. It takes a lot of getting used to for us to set aside the human frustration of seeing no results with our eyes, and measuring with the Spirit.
Here’s the run-down. It’s entirely possible I’m off my rocker, completely bonkers and unable to distinguish fantasy from reality. Then again, I’ve often taught here and elsewhere reality — as it is commonly known — is not the same as Ultimate Reality. It’s all a big lie. If we waited on things to make sense, where would faith be? Faith is a sense of commitment which has no earthly reason, and it took Christ to the Cross. It steered Him away from all the things He could have had, because they were things Satan wanted, so as to prevent full redemption. By almost any human standard, Jesus was nuts.
So were His immediate followers, and the next few generations of Christians were recorded in history as nutty people.
We love the people who share our faith, because they make themselves available for love. But those closest to us? For the prophet, there won’t be that many. There can’t be. We are burdened with a load of care which comes after the Cross. We are called to see things even our fellow Christians don’t perceive well. It’s not their job to see what we see, or all would be prophets. Nor are we superior in any way, just different. It’s not always fun, but it’s necessary for the Kingdom message.
It’s Truth.
You can’t be a prophet without being a mystic. And in today’s world, that alone isolates you from a lot of other Christians. I suppose in some future age mysticism may make a return to the popular and acceptable consciousness of the mainstream of Christianity. We can only hope so. Until then, we stand in the most rarefied atmospheres hoping others will come out. But if they don’t, we aren’t even really that interested in saving ourselves, but of clinging to the Truth which won’t let us go.
I’d love to know if my spiritual blather helped others; I’d love to hear from them. That’s the human side of me. Chances are, people who find my writing useful aren’t the kind to blather back at me. You don’t have to post a comment just for my feelings. If you read this and learn something useful, it’s much more important you put it to work. My best friends are those who seldom chatter with me about much of anything.
If you know your calling isolates you, it’s not insanity to be isolated. It’s why I have so many friends who are dogs and children around here where I live. They aren’t burdened with the cares which chew up so many souls in this world. On the human plane, it’s a lonely, solitary existence. On the spiritual plane, there is such a great crowd of witnesses. That’s what matters, has to matter, and I keep teaching and reminding my self of that.
I keep coming back to the Three Pillars. It’s not about anyone on this earth, but about a commitment to the Truth at all costs. I’m bound to manifest Truth at every step, and my feelings simply don’t matter. It’s why depression and other forms of psychological instability simply aren’t that big of a deal. I’m still reaching out to others in empathy for their pain, but I can’t be responsible for their relief. All I can do is point out as best I’m able there’s another way to do all this. Nor do I expect anything in particular from the rest of the world. Sure, I use my best wisdom to calculate and guess how people will act. If you are paying attention, after awhile you come to terms with it and realize there are patterns you can perceive. It’s not wholly dependable, but there are few surprises. That’s why I barely cock an eyebrow when someone confesses to the most hideous evil impulses. I don’t expect much from people, nor even myself.
Just prophesy; speak the Truth. It’ll all be over soon enough.
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