Ordinary, nondescript guy stands before the camera. He holds up one hand, with thumb and forefinger less than a centimeter apart.
“I’m this close to dumping the entire world of graphical computing, including the Internet.”
Drops his hand down slowly to where the other hovers in front of his belt buckle. Brings the fingertips together and raises both hands to about his sternum.
“It’s not bad enough Americans are now on the hook for over 100 trillion dollars of derivatives trade, but there is this hideous rumor Facebook is thinking of buying the entire Opera SA of Norway. I can just see Opera browser now doing all the tracking for which Facebook is infamous.”
Fingers interlace, except the two index fingers. They rise to a steepled point which he touches to his lips. There is a pause. Then he pulls the fingers away from his mouth and folds them altogether with his hands across his midriff, adjusting his elbows outward.
“I doubt the Internet is going away. More than likely it will simply become so narrowed and dumbed down, no one with intelligence will keep using it. That is, not as it appears to most of the world.”
He turns to walk off stage left. Then stops after the first step, turns and looks down for just a second. Then turning just his head to face the camera…
“Not all elitism is evil.”
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