It’s all in your mind.
What’s the difference? Why would God spare my neighborhood where there aren’t all that many people, and trash some really fine Christian neighborhoods with massive hail storms? It’s not as if they had better insurance; some of them were actually less well off than we. I don’t know all the answers, but I know something about how God works in this world.
Given what I’ve encountered, and the reactions of Western Christians in general, and American Christians in particular, it’s that Western mindset. You would think I’d get tired of harping on this, but the problem stands like a vast mountain of falsehood, and things won’t get better until people see it for what it is. My spirit cannot rest so long as I keep encountering the spiritual ignorance.
You cannot hope to gain a full measure of God’s blessings on this earth without that Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) mindset. That’s the intellectual background of the Bible, the culture God designed Himself as the only way He would reveal Himself to the world. So long as you adhere to a Western epistemology, you cannot fully engage the moral fabric of His Creation.
No, I do not suggest God requires you go back and get an degree in ANE thinking. But it does take some effort to overcome Satan’s greatest achievement to date, which is Western Civilization. So long as your mind unconsciously clings to this Western culture as His way of doing things, you cannot hope to understand what it means to follow Christ. Jesus was an ANE man, and His mind is freely available to those who really want it, but you have to embrace His viewpoint on this realm of existence. If you aren’t a mystic, you aren’t really a Christian.
To fully harvest the blessings of God’s Laws on this earth, you have to have a lawful mind, and embrace the Ancient Hebrew intellectual approach to things.
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