Apocalyptic Warfare

No one can ever really prepare for the next Apocalypse.
I, of all people, would not deny the universe has an end point. However, nothing any human can know would serve to predict the approach of The Final End. Jesus denied having any idea, so how could any of us lesser beings pretend we know? All the speculation results from ignoring the plain statements of Scripture which warn us not to waste time and energy on such things. If anything, we celebrate the promise we aren’t stuck here waiting for it.
But when it’s not a false biblical zeal checking off news reports against a false list of preparatory events, it’s the more secular conspiracy theorists warning us of all sorts of plots against us little people. Perhaps you’ve read in the alternative press about the explosions and the radiation spike somewhere along the border between Michigan and Indiana? And all the military flights zipping off from their bases in that direction? What horrible things are They preparing for us?
If you really must know, it’ll require more study and intelligence than the average conspiracy theorist can muster. It’s not as if these things don’t signal evil plans, but understanding them requires a much broader base than what you can read on the Internet. It requires contacts in the military and other government agencies, contacts which can only come from having worked in those agencies and having handled secrets yourself. Then you have to know a lot about geography, history, political theory and all the other social sciences, and actually read the tons of mind-numbing documentation which plainly states their evil plans in stilted language which makes even demons need a nap.
In other words, we have so few qualified to actually understand, much less accurately assess what’s going on, you’d be a fool to trust anything you could read about it on most sites. I can’t count how often I’ve corrected wild reports on the basis of the few facts I know (such as identifying military vehicles). I know just enough to know I am not qualified, either. And all those experts on survival and the “preppers”? They do understand the basics of human survival, but have no idea whether their preparations will match the coming reality. They presume a rather narrow range of scenarios which, while probable in one sense, could mean nothing next to the creativity of psychopaths running the various governments in the West.
Here’s the basic problem: Far too few people understand the US government as a whole has declared war on those it governs, along with the rest of humanity. Even fewer understand how long ago this decision was made. But precious few, indeed, are those who realize there’s almost nothing you can do about it. And least of all is the tiny minority who understand it really doesn’t matter that much.
What really matters is manifesting the Ultimate Truth of things in the midst of whatever is happening. Do you know your mission? Do you have any idea why you are still alive on this plane of existence? Simply surviving the coming apocalypse is not it. Protecting your family is also not it. Those are things we do when we have room in our mission, but human life is not all that important. What matters is keeping yourself free from sin, which serves the dual purpose of pointing out what sin is by how you avoid it. That the entire Western Civilization has almost no real understanding of sin is part of the problem, and Christians are some of the worst. The primary reason we keep having these apocalyptic challenges is because we aren’t wise enough to go back to what keeps things peaceful and safe. We keep coming up with all these brilliant ideas after having done everything possible to ignore or pervert the revelation of the God who made all these things.
As a prophet of God, I’m not any smarter than you. I’m simply chosen, and it perplexes me to no end, because it makes no sense on any level of understanding. I’ve demonstrated quite amply my talent for abysmal stupidity far too often, yet here I am, called to the mission of prophecy. Can you imagine the burden of making very sure what I declare as God’s message isn’t the wild idiocy bouncing around in my own head? That never leaves my awareness.
Here’s what I’m doing. First, on the simplest level, I’m driven to obtain and retain the highest level of physical fitness possible. Yesterday I took a 33 mile bike ride over very hilly terrain on a cheap mountain bike I’ve had for almost five years. Today I’ll ride four miles to a park and engage a series of exercises on the playground equipment that will leave me quivering and very sore, then ride home again. I’m not sure I understand why all this, but I’m driven by my own spirit to keep at it. Second, I’m developing an awareness of the natural environment around me — available food, the seasons and weather patterns, the threats in the environment, etc.
Most importantly, I’m spending a lot of time with my own internal noise. The part of this I can explain in words is learning to discern what comes from me, the conscious and unconscious, and what comes from some other source. What matters most is, whatever I do have is just a tool for His glory, and on this level of existence it is all expendable, and the end of things need not make the least bit of sense to my human mind. So when I write something here, I don’t worry about convincing anyone, because it’s not supposed to make sense. Whether it touches your heart is not at all dependent on me, but the Holy Spirit of God Who impels me to write. I’m not trying to connect with your logical mind, but trusting the Lord will shepherd the thoughts to where He can use them.
Go ahead and read whatever catches your interest on the Net, but don’t you dare swallow the message simply because it appeals to your sense of logic. Trust neither the mainstream nor the alternative press for anything which really matters. Trust in a higher power to point the way for you in this increasingly chaotic world as the West dies slowly, painfully, thrashing about and destroying everything it touches. There is a part of you which it cannot touch, and that’s where you focus to find everything which really matters. Don’t make simple survival your mission.
No mere human can plan well enough for what’s coming.

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