Not Created Equal

It is a blasphemous heresy to suggest we all should treat each other equally.
That line from the US Declaration of Independence is evil: “all men are created equal.” Not simply in the choice of words, but in what they imply. It ignores the Fall. What happened at Creation is irrelevant in this case, because things changed after the Fall. What it should say: All men are equally fallen. While some gave a measure of lip service to that truth, almost all of our Founding Fathers denied it by their assumptions and how they designed our national government. The Enlightenment fundamentally denies it by simply refusing to acknowledge it on any level, and that evil philosophy is the very breath of our national founding.
God’s Laws (expressed primarily in the covenants of Noah and Moses) presume all are fallen. The demands of those Laws require you first absorb that as the starting point. The next thing step is understanding DNA is destiny, though the parabolic language of the Old Testament states it a little more poetically. Where God puts you is His will for you, and you are damned if you resist Him. He, and He alone, is permitted to move you to resist your circumstances, and that resistance itself must remain within the accepted boundaries of His Laws. If any part of your striving is not directly aimed at His glory, it’s a monumental failure.
That doesn’t mean you won’t get what you’re after, but you’ll definitely be guilty of making the world a worse place. You will be fighting against the sort of social stability God demands of fallen men. What few want to admit, even in the mere hint of possibility, is our responsibility for those around us. Abel’s smart-aleck question was the height of arrogance: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Yes, you are, in the sense you are accountable to your blood kin. That’s part of the DNA-is-destiny business. You are commanded to put your blood kin above the rest of the human race.
It is bad enough when you fail to give preference to your kin. In a broad general sense, it is utterly Satanic to treat anyone better than your own kin. Granted, covenant relations are more sacred than blood relations, because they are entered into voluntarily before God, but to hate your brother enough to do him real harm is attacking God, as He sees it. The reason this is such a heavy emphasis is because of our fallen nature. We are inherently less likely to forgive a slight from blood kin because we are required to trust them enough to be far more vulnerable to their sinful choices. Tough. Get used to it. However bad that can be, everything else is far worse.
The modern secular state is an abomination to God. That’s not to say we must of necessity have a religious state, because that is also evil. What God demands is we have a tribal nation. Again, however much sorrow comes from that, nothing better is possible. All the crazy ideas we’ve dreamed up by our human logic and talents has failed miserably, and continues to fail miserably at an increasing rate as we get farther from that fundamental human state on this plane of existence.
On a different level, then, the church should by no means organize under any other format than some ANE (Ancient Near Eastern) tribe. Any church with some other structure is not a church in God’s eyes. Since blood kin is hardly possible as the basis for a proper church in these times, we recognize the higher priority placed on covenant kinship. As before, this is actually more sacred than blood kinship, because it’s kinship in Christ’s blood. A group of people are to form around a common core of faith, and a shared commitment to the welfare of each other, such that we give preference to each other first in all things on this earth. Yes, there are contextual conditions in the Laws, but as a basic principle of life, your fellow church members come first over even your blood kin in favoritism. Favoritism of that sort is God’s Law. Again, the whole point for anyone even holding a Christian belief is God’s glory, and He says this is how He is glorified.
Your church is your closest kin, and should be organized as an extended family household, should operate as one, should not even hint of other means of operation. Democratic, presbyterial, magisterial, etc., are all human inventions forced upon the church by men who rejected a proper understanding of God’s Word.
Hear, then, the Word of the Lord: God has already judged all human organizations governing man’s behavior, and pours out His wrath upon those which do not conform to His Laws. When men strive against His commands, they cannot but lose. In His patience, He gives those governments time to get right, but eventually destroys them as they reach the breaking point in His eyes. America, we are there.

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