This universe, this realm of existence in which we hold our consciousness, is fake.
It’s a bubble of unreality within the broader Ultimate Reality. It is in many ways rather like a virtual reality game. It matters not how you can extrapolate what you see and analyze back billions of years; the mere existence of years under the domination of time’s passage is the essence of unreality, because some part of each of us is rooted in a timeless reality. And that part of us is capable of recognizing the Ultimate Truth of things, even if no part of us understands it in the sense of knowing what to do about it.
This lesser reality is just a game.
Why do people play games? Because something about reality comes up short of that thing inside them which demands meaning not available here. If we give too much emphasis to something like survival in this realm, we’ll miss all that really matters. In the end, no one survives; we all die and leave this world to face the Ultimate Reality. If some part of us has not yet staked out a home there, we are in big trouble. It’s the same kind of trouble we have with people who become so wrapped up in virtual reality they can’t function well in meat space. Indeed, these are crippled souls, wasted minds seeking something meaningful in a universe which is meaningless. But the instinct to pursue hobbies, sports and games in general reflects our inability to find a way to pursue all the things we were meant to do.
We were meant to live, and achievement is merely a phantom. A civilization based on achievement is failure before anything starts. Whatever you achieve in the game means nothing outside the game, and human achievement means nothing in the Hereafter. A primary element in pursuing what matters There is recognizing it’s about commitment, about knowing and pursuing your mission, your fundamental calling which drives you to exert effort and expend resources. It’s what gives you meaning.
So long as you know your hobby is simply an expression of this world’s failure to make room for that calling, those recreational things are actually good for us. So long as you realize survival here is one of many games you can play within this plane of existence, you’ll play much better. Only when the goals aren’t that important can you reach them. That’s because achievement is merely a marker for restarting the game, hopefully with a somewhat different, and maybe even a better, approach.
Even the arts become somewhat a game, a means to recreate meaning. Like gaming, the arts can become perverted and consume without giving meaning, without even expressing much that means anything to the artist himself. If his art is simply spilling his guts, his sorrows and unspeakable yearnings, mere frustration, the art fails because he fails. It’s nothing more than boredom with a high price tag. Boredom is the result of personal emptiness, a state of dependence. If all the world suddenly had no electricity any more, the people who would cope are the ones who have something inside them, never mind how it got there. People who can’t adjust are the empty ones, the ones who can’t even handle the game of this reality, much less Ultimate Reality.
If your workout, practice, art, gaming or other forms of creation and recreation are more discipline than joy, you have the wrong hobby. We take it for granted most folks don’t love their jobs, but that simply proves how our society is perverted. It doesn’t understand the game of life, takes it too seriously. All our fears and panics and dreads are proof of the failure of any society, any civilization. Real people, real societies, can always find something worth doing with a sense of joy and peace, regardless of the context. They know the current schemes and structures are simply the context of the moment, and not inherently necessary for the game of life.
Life on this plane of existence is just a game; don’t take it so seriously.
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Thanks for the reminder. It helps to keep things like the economy in perspective.