The failure of Western Civilization to understand God’s ways does not force God to change those ways.
We have ample precedent in Scripture. There are two basic streams feeding into natural disasters. First, there is the Fall and the loss of divine management privileges over Creation. The point of the Fall narrative is not the particular details, but the bigger picture. Adam and Eve exercised some management process in the Garden which we could not possibly comprehend. It involved working from a spiritual connection of moral innocence to their Creator, who gave them the assignment of management. By choosing to use human intellectual judgment versus God’s revealed judgment, they lost all the privileges of moral innocence. In essence, they surrendered their position for something far less, in that human intellect was never designed, is inherently incapable, of judging right and wrong from its own resources. The intellect was designed merely to formulate human obedience to spiritual guidance. So their spirits died, and by default all humans are now born spiritually dead.
While spiritual death is reversed on God’s initiative with individuals, the Fall itself is not reversed. Creation as we know it is doomed — period. This mess will not ever be fixed, except in the sense it will all be replaced. This plane of existence is terminal. So long as it remains, it will remain in a damaged state. That means bad stuff happens because we are incapable of preventing it. That’s part of the curse of the Fall, and God said bluntly He has no intention of fixing that. This is where most Westerners, even Christians, choke intellectually. We can’t imagine the intellect is fallen, and we can’t imagine a separate plane of existence superior to, and surrounding, this one. We can’t imagine this is all simply a temporary bubble. In our language, we refer to this universe as “reality” when God says it’s one big lie. He says “reality” is in His Presence in Eternity. So we have bad stuff happening to anyone who lives in this world because it’s inherently broken, and that bad stuff happens to Christians, too.
The second stream is the direct results of defying God’s Laws. Just because we have ignored His Laws, tried our best to bury them by creating a false intellectual context does not make those Laws impotent. God didn’t simply choose the Hebrew intellectual culture as the place to reveal Himself; He built that culture Himself. He steered the entire process from Noah, through Abraham, through Jacob/Israel, through Moses, etc. The Ancient Hebrew Mysticism is as close to how God thinks as any human can know. That Western Civilization is hostile to the Hebrew Mystical intellectual approach is easily proven, but does involve a bit of academic study. God was gracious in allowing me to pass through such study. I’m not smarter than anyone else, just available. It’s not about me, but His inscrutable choices. It all makes perfectly good sense to me that God’s Laws hold the promise of certain limited blessings on this plane of existence if we strive to obey. This is actually separate from spiritual birth, but is surely enhanced by being spiritually alive.
If you defy God’s Laws, Creation will not be kind to you. That scales up from individuals to governments and nations. Ignorance is no excuse, though it may offer some limited mitigation. We all as humans have a duty to seek the truth regarding the moral fabric of this universe. If you, individually, strive to obey His Laws in the midst of a lawless nation, your protection from wrath will be enhanced somewhat. It’s not precise because that’s not how the Hebrew intellect works. There is no objective standard possible, because it’s very personal between you and God. Even the Laws are fuzzy, intentionally so. That’s how things work; that’s Reality.
The fires in Colorado are not so much God’s wrath on Colorado as upon America in general. Other locations will get their own version of His wrath in due time. Not all wrath is natural disaster. The very existence of our growing police state is part of His wrath on the sins of America. If you imagine this country as a whole can be saved, I warn you as God’s prophet that will not happen. That millions are spiritually alive does not change the equation; it only offers the potential for doing a better job of obeying His Laws. So long as Christians cling to Western analytical thinking about these things, they will not do a good job of obeying, and will not reap what little protection is offered to individuals while God pours His wrath out on this nation.
America as an entity is doomed, and there is no turning back. Your only hope is to cling to Him individually, in faith He can show you what is required to make the most of a bad situation. In the end, what happens here is for His children nothing more than just a living opportunity to manifest His glory until our time is done here. We aren’t tied to this world, and we should be the first to realize it’s all one big ugly lie. We should welcome His wrath on sin as a critical element in His revelation, His glory.
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