Perhaps you recall the older bumper stickers which used to say, “Honk if you love Jesus!” Then it became more trendy to say, “Tithe if you love Jesus; any fool can honk.” Both are stupid, but for different reasons. Both fall into the same idiocy which brings you emails and “dares” you to forward them to everyone you know. “If you love Jesus, you’ll…” It’s nerve gratingly Satanic.
Let’s get something straight: Satan knows the Scripture better than you or I. He was there when anyone spoke God’s Word, when it was committed to writing, and Satan knows precisely what God wants it to mean. He also does his damnedest to lie about what it means, steal your power to obey, and kill your connection to the Holy Spirit. His use of Scripture is always a misquote in one way or another, and Jesus called him on it during the Temptation in the Wilderness. Most people don’t realize how they mimic Satan in their use of Bible passages.
We do not serve Jesus when we sling slogans, goofy stories (most of which are utterly fictional) meant to manipulate your emotions, or someone’s brain-dead political agenda. Draping any national flag on the Cross of Christ is blasphemous because not a single government in this world today is obeying Christ’s teaching. Serving Christ is more than a Facebook posting with pictures of doves and babies, flowers, or people with wings, paired with syrupy poetry.
The Spirit of God makes His own path through the soul, and His power cannot be duplicated with mere human manipulation of mind and emotions. Nor can such measures invoke His power. There is nothing holy about all that sickly sweet pietistic nonsense. What is holy is the stark and earth-shattering power of God to make you not care about this world and it’s ways.
If you love Jesus, nail your human existence to the Cross. Live like someone who is not attached to this world, but can’t wait to leave it.
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Thank you for writing this. I think I’ll post a link to this on Facebook. Hard to say if anyone I know will read it. But it’s such a nice expression of opposition to “pictures of doves and babies, flowers, or people with wings, paired with syrupy poetry.”
My dad was a professor of historical theology in a seminary. He would also have shared your views.
Thanks. I get so tired of people gilding the lily.