While I am not happy with the video portion, this song will help set the tone:
The point, as I understand it, is the sense of guilt and fear which comes over many Christians at times. You are certain you’ve messed something up, and it’s probably something which nags and nags at your conscience. It bites and burns, and you’ve been through it a hundred times and can’t seem to beat this one sin. The last thing you want is to make God sorry He chose you for redemption.
I’ve been there. It was so bad I was very near to suicide, repeatedly over a period of several years.
Chances are there is some of my experience which is unique to me. Yet there are some elements which are universal. The problem is the real solution lies in Heaven, and human language can hardly begin.
It’s not as if you can simply wave a magic wand, quote some Bible passages, and it all goes away. If that works, you are probably still spiritually dead. Psychology is not the answer, nor emotions or any other thing man can conjure by his talents and will. Because the real cause of genuine sorrow and depression like this, aside from the possibility of serious chemical imbalances in the brain, is a demonic presence.
The reason demons are present is because you let them in at some point. That is, some part of what you experienced on the way to this point provided an open door to Hell in at least one part of your soul. As noted previously, demons are bound under God’s Laws. That is, if you are living justly by the Laws of Noah, they typically don’t have any authority. Spiritual matters are never absolute, but if you don’t fix this problem first, you can’t make any progress with other issues.
My recovery, my peace, came from embracing His Laws and then waiting for His calling. What I thought had been my calling was wrong, and it had to die. That was quite a painful valley to walk, but it’s behind me now. The final piece, the keystone in the arch of protection for me, was Christan Mysticism. Once I tossed aside all the pretense of manmade theology (all systematic theology is manmade) and fake Western churchianity, and took on the mind of Christ, everything became clear.
As always, I’m just a messenger. I don’t pontificate; I simply share what I’ve seen and heard. You’ll have to find your own answers, but if what I write calls to you, obey the call.
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