In general, the smallest unit of cognition for me is a paragraph. It’s useful for seeing large ideas in even larger contexts, but it really stinks on details.
I read a lot of Science Fiction and Fantasy in early adulthood. I rarely recall authors and titles unless something about their works burns itself into my memory. It’s the content I rarely forget. One story lost in my internal reference system described a vast city contained inside a single shopping mall. Inside the mall, the shoppers were bombarded with electronic impulses which drove to them to buy and consume, and offered in the same mall the cheap remedies of over-consumption. So there were massive numbers of food vendors and most shoppers were not even consciously aware they had purchased something and ate it. But they got hugely fat hanging out in the malls, and between the food shops were something equivalent to liposuction clinics.
This was written long before I had ever heard of high-fructose corn syrup and all the other nasty ingredients in our food carefully calculated to make us fat and always hungry. But of course, our national corpulence becomes the excuse for the Nanny State to demand authority to make us all slim down, using an entirely unscientific and bogus model of nutrition, of course. Somebody somewhere has to know this whole thing is just as wicked and nasty as the system suggested in that Science Fiction piece I can’t recall.
So, how many other areas of our lives are threatened by similar pincer actions? GMOs and Big Pharma, pedophile bureaucrats prosecuting civilian pedophiles, FBI fake bomb plots and the TSA, etc. Stop and think, folks. The world has not previously seen such a well coordinated campaign so vast and all encompassing as we see today. How many distractions does it take to keep the activists busy?
Understand, the evil genius behind all this knows some of these ploys will be shot down. The sheeple will bleat and stampeded against a few of them, always. So while a few of these efforts will be shut down, the underlying changes will not be stopped. Every popular activist social and political issue is just another symbol of some deeper and sinister effort. No, it’s not necessary to pin down a single human intelligence behind all this, or even parts of it, nor an identifiable group conspiracy. All you have to understand is what you see. It’s my nature to not get lost in all these different causes and OccupyWhatever efforts. I tend to see the similarities in things without conscious effort. While that may tag me as a crank and nut, I contend you could see it if you wanted.
I don’t have to trace the direct lineage between Satan, his demons, and who on earth serves him knowingly, and who unknowingly. God knows and sees all. My mission and calling is to see what He wishes to show me, as a vessel He has prepared for His purpose.
What I see is not a mass of individual efforts, but a collection of efforts approaching us like a vast upheaval in the ocean from an ever larger shift in the tectonic plates of the ocean floor. That single wave stretches from one horizon to the other, but people will feel only the part that hits them hardest. Obey your own calling and commitment from God, but never lose sight of the larger mission of revealing His glory to mankind. Never lose sight of how the Enemy operates in that it always opposes something in the nature of how God operates.
Americans, you can be sure your property will be seized piecemeal by dozens of different agencies, each in their own fashion. Guns will be outlawed incrementally, even as our alleged right to speak and express our political will has been silenced already. You are being enslaved, constricted in your movements in every way imaginable. Your freedom to choose what goes into your body is already nearly gone. You can easily tick off the list of those first ten amendments as to what’s dying and what’s already dead. In case you never noticed, the States’ rights was the first to go, long before. Much of what has changed on paper has not yet been implemented, but when has that ever failed in the long term? The attack is too broad and the servants of tyranny too many and too well organized to stop this time.
Please, open your eyes and see this. Because the threat is so vast, the only defense is the power of God in the millions of contact points in this world. We don’t have to organize on this world’s terms; we can all be connected through the much greater coordination of Heaven. Human uniformity is anathema. Decide in your own heart what you must do, what barriers you must erect such that you’re willing to see bloodshed rather than submit. It will be tested all too soon.
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