Am I deluded with all this prophet stuff? I dunno. Maybe.
But I have nothing else. If this isn’t going to accomplish anything, it won’t change what I’m doing. What little sanity I can identify in this insane broken world requires I stay the course.
I am not a Cessationist or a Continuationist, because both are wrong. That is, we can observe very realistically a dearth of signs and wonders compared to what seems obvious in the New Testament, or even the Old Testament. We don’t get what they had. It’s not because God has stopped doing them, it’s because no one understands them properly. The whole debate today is a matter of one Western viewpoint against another.
While I wholeheartedly agree a great many people claiming to manifest the charismata are fakes, or are doing something different from what the Bible describes (they are sincere but mistaken), it’s not because God doesn’t move in that way. It’s more the case almost no one understands it the way the Scripture authors did. They only think they understand.
The one thing which drives me hardest is the assurance this stuff can’t die with me. My effort to retrace our steps away from the Scriptural epistemology and into the Western confusion about reality hints at a chance to recover the real deal in terms of miraculous stuff.
For example, I already know from personal experience demons are not what most people think they are, and do not operate as most assume. Cling to God’s Laws from His divine logic and they can’t do much to you. At the same time, you’ll be far less confused about their mission, and realize a lot of unpleasant stuff you experience is not a direct effect of their work. At any rate, in a broad general sense I affirm by the mercies of God and by His Laws, demons hardly trouble me at all.
Further, my prophetic gift is not a charismata. It’s a calling in a continuation of the Old Testament office of prophet. It’s a vocation and vested office in our Christian faith, though that vestment has nothing to do with official organizational recognition. It’s divine in nature.
Paul set the example. In his letters he noted he could not force people to consider him an Apostle. He didn’t get it from any human agency, so he didn’t need to impress folks with any credentials. He seldom referred to his massive education until he was backed into a corner on it. He relied simply on God working through people. If they believed he was an Apostle, then they should work with him accordingly. If not, they should refrain from interfering and go start their own church, or whatever. Anyone fool enough to follow them was welcome to it.
So it is with me and any other person claiming some office and calling from God. It’s okay if you don’t take that seriously. I realize how crazy it sounds. But if you feel drawn to this blog or my Facebook page and keep reading it, do what brings you peace. Or at the least, chase whatever seems to point the way to peace for you.
I’ve got peace. Want some?
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