Should my mission attract any significant notice, sure as the world some fools will insist on calling a reform movement.
I can’t prevent that, nor is it really all that bad. Still, the mission is not a reformation. There are lots of other nifty “R” words that fit better. Like “radical” — I’m all about plowing it all down and starting from where it was almost 2000 years ago. This is more like a restoration of all the things lost to Christian faith since the Apostle John moved his office to Heaven. I am the ultimate reactionary hoping to see a recovery of First Century Palestinian Christianity. And in a previous post, I mentioned a renaissance of that Ancient Near Eastern religion of the Old Testament.
So far, I’ve managed to avoid coming up with some cutesy marketing label for this mission. That’s for someone else to do, and I hope they have the decency to let me die first. But they won’t. That’s because there is nothing in this which purges its own ranks, as it were. That’s what makes it so very different from everything we have now. It’s very much of the gospel truth of repentance and obedience, and turning your whole world upside down and not making very many of your fellow humans happy with your choices for quite some time, if ever. It means a radical rejection of anything which smacks of reform in the first place, because the whole focus is otherworldly. We are fixing this world. We’re giving notice and vacating ASAP. Still, something like this can’t simply eliminate folks who aren’t really fully absorbed, and trying to keep them out would be contrary to what I teach.
While it is utterly impossible to avoid drawing interest from “the unchurched,” this is not a mission of that sort. I don’t anticipate forging as did Paul into areas where the gospel has never been heard. Not only are such lands increasingly difficult to find, it’s not the emphasis. Rather, my primary calling is to Americans, initially. Anyone is welcome from any part of the world, but personally coming to any foreign lands soon is not on the agenda. Take up the slack where you are if you want in on this. Most of the folks who are likely to join in what I’m doing will already be some sort of Christian. Frankly, only those who know something is missing and are seeking another level of the same thing are likely to pay any attention at all. The whole point is I’m not going out to chase down any particular audience. I do expect the challenge a lot of folks on where they are and whether it’s really all they’ve been told.
Still, I have no idea how this will start. I’m yet praying for guidance as to what the vehicle will be.
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