I’m pretty sure I’ve approached this before, but it seems necessary to say it again for some reason: I am not a leader.
Don’t follow me, because it’s wholly unlikely I’m going where you are supposed to go. Yes, hang out and see what I’m doing, and how I do it, but don’t get so attached you forget what matters most. There may come a time when circumstances will call on me to lead in some way. I do lead in Sunday worship here at home, but that’s not the same thing at all. I’m referring to disciples, to be precise.
Let’s assume someone is crazy enough to insist this is what God demands of them. Fine, but stay out of the way. The nature of my calling requires I pretty much stand alone. What I don’t have and can’t get, I do without. This is critical to the nature of what I teach.
Yes, I do teach, but only so you can learn enough to leave the classroom. I won’t give you enough detail to satisfy your curiosity, because that level of detail must arise from within you. Don’t you dare swallow everything I say, because it’s guaranteed I’m wrong on some things. Or, something I’m going to offer just isn’t what you need. My mission is not to see you through, but to stand alongside as you explore. You’ll get some pastoral support, but that’s not nearly as much as most people seem to expect. I’ll warn you of things which have hurt me, but I won’t stop you by any measure.
Take your own path. I’ll do what I’m called to do, which is first and foremost to demand accountability to the cosmic moral imperatives. I offer details and explain them so you’ll have some idea what I’m pointing to, but I’ll be the first to add the warning the really important part is beyond words. Train your own mind to obey that deeper voice calling, pointing at something no one can comprehend, but can nonetheless obey. It’s all symbolic, so don’t take me literally on much.
Maybe that will change some day down the road; it’s not up to me.
And if all it’s worth to you is a good laugh, that’s good enough for me.
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Person’s gotta do what a person’s gotta do… but what did God put all these other billions of schmucks here for, then?
There’s certainly occasions for leader/follower relationships — but how about poorsoul/poorsoul interactions? Two or more well-intentioned lowlifes — comparing notes, occasionally disagreeing, that intellectual give-&-take that makes the difference between lone-crazed screwups & crazed-mob screwups… Um, well — trying to put human differences to mutually-illuminating use, rather than individually building our personal model palaces out of toothpicks…. (?)
Now you’re talking, Forrest! Yeah, you are welcome here and I’ll try to check your blog. You can find my email by following some links somewhere here. If I can interact with a non-religious guy and an avowed pagan, I don’t see why you can’t hang around.