They act like they just can’t understand.
One of the first things to grow and the last thing to go in terms of civilization is potty discipline. People don’t start out fouling their own nest; it has to be a reaction to some severe distress. We consider it a form of torture to force someone into that dilemma. And we rightly consider it wholly uncivilized to make no allowance for general public facilities.
When I was traipsing all over Europe — biking, hiking, jogging and volksmarching — it was rare to encounter a village of any size without at least one accommodation visibly marked. Hiding them all behind commercial operations, attempting to manipulate visitors into spending a premium price on stuff they don’t want, for the privilege of being civilized is justly condemned. It doesn’t have to be much, just make it possible, or you’ll spend extra cleaning up the mess. BART is infamous for using vague threats of terrorism as an excuse to lock public toilets.
But there’s a lot of crap everywhere. I watched a very partisan debate unfold on a Facebook thread. It went pretty much as I expected. Partisanship is an easy cover for the arrogance of believing yourself the standard for goodness, so it doesn’t matter which side you claim.
Perhaps you are aware al-Jazeera has lost a lot of reporters, resigning in protest, because the agency participated in building a fake city in Qatar. It’s basically a film stage, where fake protests can be filmed and inserted into news broadcasts. The BBC used some of this footage from Qatar claiming it was a protest in Libya. Nothing new about that with the BBC, and it represents what we get from all mainstream news sources.
And now NASA is claiming Greenland is melting. Except there is nothing happening right now which hasn’t happened every year for centuries. All the variations have been easily seen before over wider scopes of time, but they like to cherry pick the data and pull up historical ranges which are not representative of longer trends. If NASA tells you the sky is blue, you better check for yourself.
Because we know government and mainstream press have colluded to lie, we have to seek other sources. But if you ignore the failures of alternative media, you are still a partisan idiot. One example is the very popular wildfire story of Obamacare making subcutaneous RFIDs mandatory. This story is a mess, and I seem to recall part of it comes from warnings made by Ron Paul, but blown out of proportion by the likes of Alex Jones and his brand of controlled opposition. When some website or source picks upon this garbage, then refuses to apologize or back down and offer a correction, you know they are bogus to the core.
I’ve eaten my share of crow, and will gladly have another helping when I find I’ve offered something inaccurate. I’m hardly infallible, but I don’t claim to have all the facts in the first place. I only know what I experience, sometimes passing through many hands before it comes to me. The only real claim to authority I make is concerning what burns in my soul, which I take to be the fire of God’s Presence. I can’t recall once attempting to stand on Mount Sinai and thundering to my audience some dark threat from Beyond.
So I maintain you can’t even trust your own intellect, but something much deeper in your own soul. That’s more reliable than anything I can offer, because that’s where the Divine speaks. Pay no attention to me unless it echoes in your soul.
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