If you bothered to read all the plans and scenarios produced by government agencies, regarding their concerns with resistance and revolts, you’ll see the same broad mistakes which characterize everything our troops do wrong in other countries.
I’m no big fan of Bill Lind, but his basic concept of Fourth Generation Warfare is accurate. He simply carries it too far with too many details and not enough flexibility, which is ironically the very basis of the thing he seeks to describe. He falls into the same trap as many other geniuses of trying too hard to build a narrow franchise when his brilliance could easily range far wider and serve human learning better. However, his strongest point is the US government and military planners have no clue on how to fight the modern resistance forces against which it is now engaged.
So what you read in those government scenarios of future problems for the ruling class here in the US will always focus on the kind of activities least likely to succeed in the first place. It’s similar to bullies always picking on smaller kids, because it’s no fun going after real enemies. They have no plans for dealing with a real resistance because their imagination stops at the border of reality, never crossing over into it. Yes, we are sure to see some silly groups try things such as the scenarios suggest, but those are doomed before they start. Look for them when the time comes; we’ve already seen similar things and likely didn’t recognize them for what they were. A genuine resistance knows better than to try holding turf and asserting an alternative government control.
We as Christians need to get a grip. If we continue holding to any vestige of political vision for the Kingdom of Heaven, we will never understand Christ’s teaching. He pointedly avoided politics, and simply talked about the truth of things to emphasize His claim this world cannot contain the Truth, cannot participate beyond a very small scale, and then only poorly. That is, you can properly organize a church body following God’s principles of just government in this fallen world, but don’t ever expect to see it on any larger scale for the rest of Time. That scale ends at something around 75 people before it requires a division under more elders. That number is not offered in Scripture any where, but it’s not hard to figure out an average based on observed human behavior as a whole. Purity of vision does not apply to what man can accomplish on the earth, but of what souls can do to begin the process of migration to the Realm Above.
That migration begins with a loyalty and commitment (aka “faith”) to living as Above, which is guaranteed to offer precious little worldly success, since such success is pointedly rejected.
In the coming oppression and tribulation, the churches which remain intact are those who cannot be hit by what the government does. Whatever worldly possessions might be under such a church’s control are held in a very light grasp. We are always prepared to let this whole world go, so a chunk of real estate and buildings are simply a tool we should expect to lose before we start buying and building. What matters is the shared love and heart of the people. The strongest fellowships I’ve ever seen were in the military, of all places, because the people gathering for worship were the people who worked together and brushed against each other all day long. That churches seldom comprise such community today is why they work so poorly when compared to the New Testament ideals.
For myself, even the whole collection of my writings aren’t all the critical to moving forward as things get uglier. The whole point in writing them was to organize and internalize the thinking so I could move forward to the next weakness in my understanding. At some point I will forget what I wrote which may be stirring to readers, but I won’t forget the meaning of it burned into my soul. I’ll be using it and trying to conquer the next demon. I don’t have any broad goal or plan here, because the boundaries are invisible to me. I’m working until the Lord is ready to take me Home, and what a relief it will be. I’d like to share some of what I’m learning, but there is really nothing I can do for you beyond that.
I’m not a leader, just a commentator. In the process I’m sure to build strong bonds which belong in another world, bonds which offer no great substance here. What matters is not the stuff I use, and I don’t assert control over significant resources such as interests any human government. All I really have is what’s inside of me. Beyond the entertainment angle, I have no real interest in what such governments do or demand. They can have it all, because none of it really matters. What is necessary for my mission, so long as it endures, has always been provided by a much higher power, a power the world as a whole is powerless to resist.
I am hardly a target of the regime. How about you?
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