Transparency is a virtue.
Having nothing to gain makes it easy to be honest. No agenda here except encouragement to remain totally free of agendas and hoping you’ll treat the noise like a buffet. Take only what appeals to you, including my noise. You get to listen in on my conversation with myself, as if it mattered.
How many places did you read dire warnings of a false flag disaster at the London Olympics? I recall about a half-dozen sources claiming it was likely, and two who were so certain it was unavoidable. And nothing happened, aside from the typical bureaucratic bungling which saw income from the Games far below the potential. Brits don’t seem to understand serving the customer. So the real disaster was the management of the Games.
I rather doubt there will be a big event of that sort coming this fall. Not that we won’t see bad times; I’m still pretty sure the Euro will come apart and the US dollar right behind it. But it won’t be the end of the world, just some pretty nasty times for a large portion of humanity. Banking will go crazy, but for the average Joe, who is already in pretty bad shape financially, it won’t be anything new, just different. Here on the ground in everyday life, it will seem the grind lurches a bit but continues apace. I don’t expect another 9/11. That seemed almost plausible until the past few weeks.
Not that I can explain exactly what, because this arises from intuition, not logic. It’s the bigger pattern of things. Obama has seemed pretty reluctant to get much involved in foreign affairs, and he’s allowed others to decide and do what they want, but with much restraint. He hasn’t stopped anything, just held it back. Instead, he turned his oppression on the US itself, preferring to attack his own. That was his job, and it’s about done. Whatever passes for liberalism these days is fragmented and there is simply no real excitement behind Obama, none possible.
Israel has made lots of noise about attacking Iran, but I honestly doubt they could possibly accomplish much alone. They simply don’t have the firepower to seriously affect Iran’s nuclear plans and programs. They also know Obama won’t give them the go-ahead, so I believe we can be relatively sure Romney will win the election. That’s because he would most certainly be glad to attack Iran. Not that he really cares, but that’s what his party (Neo-Con Fascist) likes, and he’s on the team. Paul Ryan is an even bigger cheerleader of such, imminently more eloquent about it. I think they will struggle to keep Romney the center of attention. Meanwhile, the real conservatives have been told to sit down and shut up, and they probably will, with some token resistance here and there. They lack the courage of conviction to gut the party and start fresh.
Viewed collectively, the situation here at home has been tightened up so it will be easier to force Americans to support the next war with Syria and Iran, Lebanon as a side-dish. I can’t discern how the timing of events will collide, and how the propagandists will use each one, but I’m pretty sure the trend remains increasingly harsh slavery for us, a rising proportion of all economic activity spent on warfare, all as a means to further enrich those who already control the system.
Among central themes will be domestic police brutality rising exponentially, with zero accountability to the citizens. That’s because there will be a growing separation between those governing and those governed. The system will be overwhelming to anyone coming in with a will to make things better, compromising those with any weaknesses and spitting out those too tough to manage. Those who really care about people, and have a measure of wisdom, will avoid law enforcement.
Meanwhile, those who can think only of their discomfort with the bad economy will begin beating on the door of government recruiting offices, especially the military, or contractors thereof. Pay and benefits will decline according to market pressures, but this rush will paradoxically not reduce the likelihood of a revival in conscription. I rather expect to see a whole new class of half-military, lesser privileged, lower status jobs to free up combat-ready personnel. Maybe a sort of forced re-activation of retired and even some marginally disabled. The point is a new, even more insatiable demand for warm bodies involved in warfare. At the same time, the term “lowest bidder” will take on a connotation in ever more faulty and useless equipment. Not everything, but far too many new items will be junk before shipping.
Sure, crime and social unrest will rise, too. I still believe all those fine plans for handling domestic resistance will miss the point entirely, as the resistance will be less turf-oriented than officials expect. We’ll have our own American version of Taliban, complete with IEDs. At the same time, narco-terrorist parallel government stuff in Mexico will become more prominent here. It will be very confusing with a proliferation of interests attacking government control, and the bureaucrats generally unable to distinguish properly, and thus unable to respond appropriately. They’ll simply get rougher on the innocent. But most of this will creep into the fabric of American life, having already begun in many places.
So while there may be some dramatic events, they’ll be mere distractions. I sense the really substantive change will be a series of things connected to enslaving us more forcefully than we can imagine. The old canard of “FEMA Camp roundups” will not be a matter of course, but a threat held over the heads of folks to make them fearful. The means of economic exchange will be tightly controlled, and independent commerce of any sort will be flatly illegal, including barter and even gifts. I expect a lot of charities will be taken over or shut down. We already see religious charities requiring you register first with the government welfare system, with all the hateful oppressive and stupid restrictions that means. People will be progressively debased under the most obscene bureaucratic assumptions. More and more we will find ourselves forced to surrender wealth of all types, and virtually compelled to work as slaves in service to the war efforts.
At any rate, I tend to think most of the resistance press, particularly on the Net, is missing too much the point. They keep predicting things which don’t happen because their orientation as a whole is something which cannot be, and never was. They envision an America living the Constitution, with memories of some fake Golden Age of national greatness. All their rhetoric is aimed at claiming that vision, but it won’t be. And the survivalist preppers who know better on that point are still wrong in assuming how this will all go down, though I suppose they come close in some particulars. Still, in the cacophony of all the chatter from the MSM versus indies and alternatives, you could get lost and never find your way out. Am I any better?
Let’s hope to God I’m deluded on at least some of this.
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