It was a full belly laugh, with a clear note of derision he just could not hide.
The face of his companion was vaguely pained. “Thanks for your support, dude.”
“Aw, com’on man! That was hilarious!”
Without a trace of emotion, “I’m not laughing.”
Fighting continued spasms of laughter while attempting to look a bit sheepish, “Com’on; I don’t mean it like that…”
His expression was impassive, his tone mild, betraying no sense of anger. “Oh, no. You should never apologize for what you find genuinely funny. I’d rather know the real man behind that social mask. However, I reserve the right to consider you an ass and seek other company. I suggest you find someone else to hang out with who appreciates your brand of humor. There’s no friendship where there’s no respect.” He walked briskly away.
“Wait! It’s not like that…” He still struggled to contain his laughter while looking rather lost.
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