God Is Not a Fundamentalist

Sometimes I wonder at how this is so easy to find and how everyone strives so hard to ignore it and keep others from finding it.
Really, it’s not that hard. Indeed, the issue isn’t so much one of how much education you have, but what kind. For all our fact-based Western academics, we see vast oceans of humanity avoiding the facts so easily found, and almost without much dispute. Not once have I found a Fundie with a masters level of education who can actually dispute the facts of where the Bible comes from in terms of philosophical orientation. When you present the question of epistemology, they can’t argue with that. Instead, they raise up all sorts of other stuff, mere intellectual obfuscation. Theological liberals have no problem with it, but they have their own problems with basic unbelief. I’m working from the assumption God was telling the truth, and all we really need to do is understand what He has been saying all along.
You can dig up a lot of interesting history of American Protestant fundamentalism. When you encounter folks like J. Frank Norris and C.I. Scofield, it gets very entertaining with their obviously immoral behavior. While plenty of modern major figures are also immoral, it’s hardly the exciting brand of stuff which leaves a trail of destroyed lives as in the past as with Norris (including dead bodies) and Scofield. But you don’t have to dig into such to understand where it all comes from; it’s a simply a matter of understanding the basic problem.
Fundamentalism is the direct logical extension of literalism, a trait which first stained God’s revelation when rabbis embraced Hellenism. Even Jewish scholars don’t argue the facts on this. The legalism and hypocrisy we see Jesus exposing in the Gospels is pretty much the same garbage upon which modern fundamentalism is based. Indeed, the entire catalog of flaws in Western Christianity seems somehow dependent upon this single mistake. For all their pretty sermons about Pharisaism, they are embracing the basic error of the Pharisees.
But if you want real entertainment, it’s easy to find how all this links to Zionism, Dispensationalism and modern politics. I can’t say whether the likes of J. Frank Norris and John R. Rice were stooges of the CIA, but it would be easy to show how their militant Dispensational theology and Zionist Christianity is such fertile soil for the war mongering anti-Muslim hatred we see among American Protestants today. Heck, I can even show how what we call fundamentalist Islamic terror is related to a theological weakness inherited from Hellenized Judaism, along with the dirty background provocations of CIA operatives. It’s not so much the CIA is infiltrating theology schools, but that the same evil trends are present in both the CIA and Dispensationalism. The CIA essentially built modern NeoCon politics, and the timing is suspiciously close to the rise of Dispensationalism among American Protestants.
Biblical Christian Mysticism is not interested in control of this world because Christ refused any interest in it. The whole bag of political activism comes in spite of what Jesus said about human governments. If it weren’t for folks claiming to be Christians, more of the world might take an interest in what Jesus taught.

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