I’m not a visionary.
I don’t have dreams of a better world, not on this plane of existence. Sure, I’ll do my best to explain what I believe will provide the very best possible life here, but it’s not a vision of mine. It’s simply the revelation of God, and it’s been around for a very long time. The most we can do is extrapolate and try to show how some of it applies in our current context. I am hardly the only expert on the topic. There’s lots of slop and fuzz, and even with lots of wiggle room, I am deeply cynical people will ever obey it much. It’s not a vision, but a revelation which requires mysticism to understand, and that’s out of fashion right now. Still, it’s there for anyone who wants it, and it will most certainly work for anyone who takes it seriously. I’m just one of many, and it’s my job to talk about it. I don’t own any part of it; it owns me. I’m not essential to the process, just glad I’m allowed to participate.
Visionaries worry me. They will inevitably hurt people because their vision cannot fail to be a false god of some sort. Somehow they alone are the good and righteous prophet of this rapturous vision. Somehow they always insinuate themselves into this vision. Regardless how demanding they may be of themselves in chasing this purity of vision, it always seems they alone understand it, and are the true arbiter of all things connected to it. I’ve never seen it without some brand or another of megalomania.
But lots of people love visionaries. It gives them hope, I suppose, but I deny hope for this life is of any value. Other people simply find a rich opportunity in the visions of others. And if they can’t get a good front man with a real vision, a fake will do. Create a vision and sell it to someone else; any good myth will serve.
I find no shortage of people promoting one vision or another. There are multiple flavors, differing visions, all sold to keep most people busy with inconsequential issues offered as critical to all life, the universe and everything. So long as people don’t step back and notice how it ties them to this broken existence, it doesn’t matter what they are willing to buy. It’s all lies. In essence, all activism is a reflection of this basic human flaw.
Here’s a word from God: Whomever it is you imagine playing the role of Illuminati global rulers, they aren’t that smart. If they were, they’d know better than to think ruling the world would bring them anything of value or of real use. So chances are, whatever folks there are trying to take over the world are folks stupid enough to think their own mythology is important. In other words, they suffer from their own brand of bogus vision. And it will fail, like all the others.
If you are smart enough to understand how parasites can kill the host, and how the current crop of plutocrats are cutting off their own air supply by the choices they’ve made for the US economy (and the rest of the world), I’m not too sure how illuminated they can be. The greatest means to upper class prosperity has always been a rising economic tide which makes everyone else pretty well off, too. It doesn’t require a college degree to understand what’s happening now is not sustainable on any terms. So either they are all too stupid to know what’s in their own best interest, or they plan on ruling over a nation of peasant slaves who can’t bring them much wealth. There may be other possibilities, but none of them look too prosperous. One of them includes the sheer meanness of enjoying making millions suffer needlessly. That’s also not real intelligent.
I’m sure there are a group of people who imagine they are all wise and knowing, and in charge of things. They aren’t doing a very good job. Rich and powerful they may be, but not for long. I’m not party to God’s detailed plans, but you don’t have to be a prophet to realize things aren’t working that well for most of the plutocrats. Either their servants got greedy and out of control, or something else is not cooperating with their visions and dreams, but either way, it’s all breaking apart.
We have a rare opportunity to watch a civilization collapse. It won’t be very comfortable for us, but if you reduce your expectations to a sane level, you’ll still have a chance to sip a beverage and munch popcorn, or the equivalent, as the scenery and characters prance across the stage.
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