Nothing in the Spirit Realm is a matter of human logic.
I can’t come up with a nifty logical explanation for claiming to be a prophet, and for sensing the deep anger of God’s Spirit over the near blasphemy of people who claim Modern Israel is His baby. You can read the Law of Moses for yourself, and realize not a single blessing of His promises can rest upon a modern state which refuses to acknowledge Him, refuses to obey His Laws, and in every possible way seeks to embarrass His Name. Even if all the Orthodox Jews ruled that little country, it would still be a Talmudic state, not obeying the Laws of Moses. No less authority than God Himself came in the flesh and said the Talmud was a big pack of lies. I have yet to meet a single Jew who actually practices the Old Testament religion of Moses. But no amount of logic will help anyone understand this, much less believe it. If the Spirit of God Himself does not burn that into your heart, it will probably never matter in the first place.
So I also can’t explain why I must warn American Christians He is angry with them for embracing the lies, the damnable heresy of Dispensationalism, and the insistence we have a mandate from Heaven to slaughter a bunch of Muslims. Today we read in the news where a handful or Americans were killed in Libya, and an embassy attacked in Egypt. The proximate cause was a video insulting Islam, produced by an Israeli-American, if I understand correctly. It was a needless provocation, but is typical of Zionist thinking. It’s a transparent effort to stir up Islamic hatred against Americans, so they’ll do crazy things, which will then provoke us to do crazy things. At a minimum, it is designed to get a bunch of preachers and other speakers offering fresh condemnations on Islam. So everyone is being played, and it’s working as expected. (Now it’s starting to appear both embassy attacks were false flag operations, planned in advance and staged for mass consumption.)
And it’s evil all the way through.
Every Christian who puts his hand and mouth to promoting this crap is inviting the demons to take a bigger stake in their lives. That’s my warning from God. I don’t have to defend it, and I won’t bother. The Word of the Lord stands on Him, not damaged fools like me.
Some part of me wonders, since God hasn’t seen fit to reveal it yet, just when this charade will be over, and He destroys that fake Israel. I’m wondering what it will do to all the idiot children of the Lord who insist Modern Israel is some sort of prophecy coming true. They further insist all the ancient lands held under King David and his son Solomon have to ruled by Modern Israel again. I suppose that’s possible, but in the end, it has no connection at all to any prophecies in Scripture. I weep for all the people who will lose their faith when that dream vanishes, and Israel is destroyed. So much of what they’ve been taught to believe is entirely too dependent on this one huge deception. And I’m really angry at all the stinking liars who have been doing this to them. I’m angry mostly because God is angry about it, too.
As always, I can’t offer any kind of timetable for these things. I’d love to, but God hasn’t tipped His hand on this yet, not to me. But should I live to see much of it, I won’t be laughing. My rejoicing at a fresh revelation of His face will be tempered by the vast sorrow for needless, foolish slaughter and destruction, and millions of broken hearts.
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