Being a Christian Mystic is hardly a matter of absolute truth, nor simply saying, “I have encountered God, and I am forever changed.” Those are true, but miss the point. What matters here is I am in contact with God right now. Yes, there is a lot behind me, changes more than I could catalog in writing anywhere. More importantly, those things are out the way, and I have a much more open communion with the Spirit and His Realm.
As I checked Facebook and waded through my early reading links this morning, at least a half-dozen articles and blog posts passed through my mind. With all the other ideas to which those are connected, I might have at any time two dozen different things I could write about. Most of them I’ve written at least once already, and the rest have been written even better by someone else. That there are so many simply reflects the differences in those who provoke the thoughts. They differ only in the cognitive path I’d have to take to get from where someone else is to where I have to go. There was a time I might not have an answer to some rhetorical assault or riposte, but it’s been a really long time since I ran into that. Hardly would I claim to know it all; I claim what I cannot answer is really not my problem. More importantly, no matter where you start the conversation, I end up at the same place. In that sense, it all runs together.
This is not some intellectual idyll. It’s more an existential peace, because it includes an awareness of things no one can verbalize in any way. My existence has been expanded beyond the horizons of any human awareness, such that dying in this realm is no threat. I’m quite ready to try the alternative to life on this plane. But I know I don’t have divine permission for that yet. I’m still here, and if my health continues on this high level of fitness, there’s a potential of being here for quite some time to come. There’s nothing of the claim, “I’ve arrived!” I’m just getting started good on this path.
To arrive in any sense would require dying.
You may have read somewhere some former State Department official has been predicting Israel will be starting WW3 in the next 48 hours from the time I write this. Perhaps they will try; I’m sure they’ve been hoping to do it for quite some time. In one sense, I’m getting tired of the suspense. Could we hurry up and get this stupidity over with? This bogus tension is wearing thin, and I’m in need of some fresh entertainment. How about some mass slaughter of innocent lives all at once?
I hope your sarcasm detector is working. About the only good I can see is perhaps I’ll finally find out whether my prophetic gift is worth anything at all. I’ll be able to see if the Lord really intends to wipe out the US troops attacking Iran, in any sense which matches the prophetic word I received a couple of years ago. Whether it be Iranians or US-Israelis, I’m not eager for blood and suffering. I’m also not eager for what such a thing would bring here at home, because it almost surely means you, too, dear reader, will suffer in some way.
I’m ready, but I’m not ready.
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