This is hardly a scholarly treatise, more of a characterization based on broad observations of how things work. It’s short so you can extrapolate with your own intelligence.
Post-Modern Western society is largely founded on Greco-Roman intellectual assumptions mixed with tribal Germanic mythology. The resulting cultural mythology of our time offers something foreign to the world of the Bible. So, for example, almost everything you read about Game Theory excludes the biblical image of shepherd manhood. Not fundamentally, but it’s excluded because the applications are necessarily dominated by Western stereotypes, drawn from what society produces through its mythology. It’s entirely possible to fall outside the standard hierarchies, but difficult if you remain wedded to Western intellectual assumptions.
Germanic mythology broadly describes men through the image of the storm god. The typical man is distant, self-absorbed and dangerous. He can be friendly, engaging and generous when he’s in the mood, but it won’t last long. He’ll sober up, get bored, etc., then rage and destroy and take off again on some adventure. Women are the earth goddess. As your mother, she’s always there for you, reliable and safe, though possessed of her own moods, hard in her own ways.
It shouldn’t be too difficult to discern where this feeds into our Post-Modern feminist mythology. Scripture leaves no doubt the good and loving God is masculine, and most pagan cultures reverse this. The Bible does not make women evil, but it avoids allowing them dominance. Feminine dominance is the mark of the Fall, when Eve made an executive spiritual decision, and Adam went along with it. We aren’t told why he did, only that he did, and are left with the enduring impression it was wrong.
The false dichotomy of self-absorbed dad and magical mom is all wrong, of course. Under the Laws of God, it is the power of man’s obedience which brings the real “magic” of blessings from God. Not obedience to women’s wishes and ideals, but he wisely takes them into consideration as he obeys God.
We are left reading Game Theory almost entirely from a Western feminist approach, and the standard characters in the hierarchy end up almost entirely a Western artifact. It works; it reflects current reality. But it does not bring you that much closer to God’s ideals. So if you truly intend to walk in the fullness of obedience to God’s Laws, you’ll have to move beyond the current discussions of Game.
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