The problems on the Net are people problems.
There are no problems with the Internet; all the perceived problems are what people bring to the Net. They were the same problems offline as they are online. The Internet is, as designed, a medium inherently uninhibited. The place for social inhibitions is inside people’s heads, not on the Net itself. The solution to Net rudeness is the same solution for rudeness anywhere else: fix society and you’ll fix Net rudeness.
Any attempt to regulate the Net breaks the Net; it is an existential attack and cannot be perceived otherwise. Review World of Ends and you’ll understand.
The Internet is a network of devices. Behind those devices are people. Beyond that, a very significant portion of humanity view the Net through an abstraction layer, a portal via their cellphones. They consume the Net without significant interaction. Barring a precious few geeks with highly independent cellphone operating systems complete with serious tools, you cannot use a smartphone to actually do anything on the Net. All you get is a small portal to view it from a distance. The place to regulate the majority of problem people is there.
The second most likely place of regulation is with those who rent ramp space onto the Internet. We call them ISPs, but in order for them to profitable, they have to do all they can to avoid regulation. That’s the nature of the beast. Crack down too hard on the big boys and they’ll sublease to independent jobbers who won’t be subject to such controls. At the same time, the big boys will lobby and defang your political efforts. At any rate, this issue will resolve itself by making the Internet so hideously troublesome to access no one will bother and the big ISPs will wither and die.
You can’t change the Internet itself without breaking it and destroying it. Get a clue. Laws applying to the Internet reached their optimum more than a decade ago. Making it a crime to do certain nefarious acts on the Internet came early, but has always been poorly enforced in the extreme, and selectively at that. Because law enforcement is utterly corrupt and comically incompetent, they demand more controls so they can really screw things up.
The real problem is our damned Post-Modern Western culture (literally damned). It’s getting worse and the Internet simply makes this more obvious.
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