People on the ground see the warfare, figurative and literal, and honestly believe their actions made all the difference in the results. They are wrong.
Take a step back and see things with clear moral vision. There may be something to gain from activism and even the actions of freedom fighter, but it won’t be much, and is seldom what they celebrate. Often these succeed only in exposing more painfully to the sheeple what was painfully obvious to wiser minds all along: Every evil empire falls because of internal weakness. The evil nature is what kills it, and all the other hullabaloo is just theater.
Here in the US, we are seeing one of the most effective array of tools and policies for keeping the evil empire in place. I reiterate what I’ve often said before, here in this space, that the US was born in lies and mythology about the true intent of the founders. While a few were altogether clear minded about their nefarious intent (Madison, to name one), many were self-deluded zealots. The Founding Fathers claimed to be striving for human liberty and blessings, but what drove them was the clink of silver and gold. The noble sacrifice of life for some cause is simply one more face on the Western mythology of ideals which somehow fall far short of God’s divine revelation. Jesus didn’t die for a good cause; He died for the sins of all humanity. The heroes of the American Revolution didn’t die for any sins but their own. A great many died simply because that’s how things go in this world.
Sacrifice which can be logically explained to a Westerner isn’t worth much. Sacrifice to which God calls us remains incomprehensible to Western minds.
As with all human empires, this American Empire has followed the natural life cycle and is nearing the end. While it will be the same ugly death and destruction we typically see with such things in the records of human history, you will note this fall won’t be the result of political activism nor any freedom fighters killing off the core leadership. The result would be the same with our without such measures, and the timing will hardly shift a few minutes either way. Political and armed rebellion is mostly noise, bloodshed and destruction, but the life of the Beast is determined in Heaven, and nothing man can do will rewrite the divine script.
With this in mind, I recommend you take a look at Tony Cartalucci’s latest glimpse at reality. The short video to which he links points out how our imperial intervention in Syria is already collapsing. The officials in Washington have concocted a cover story to hide the desperation of dealing with fractious combatants who would gleefully destroy everything our ruling class claims they value. Worse, these untamed and profligate “freedom fighters” poking at the Syrian government would as easily destroy the things our ruling class actually does value, too. Meanwhile, the biggest problem is the FSA is itself so utterly corrupt and broken, it cannot do anything useful in the first place. The Syrian government is struggling, but most of the people on the ground in Syria affected by all this are certainly no friends of the FSA. All the money the US throws at this thing can’t purchase victory for the FSA, even when you factor in all the inefficiency as simply higher costs. It’s coming apart. While there will always remain armed combatants ready to press ahead with their jihad, none of this will have any effect on the government of Syria as a whole. Any real change in Syrian politics will remain tied entirely to other causes.
In exposing the failure of this store-bought revolution in Syria, we see an equal exposure of the inherent failure of who bought it. It’s not necessarily the end of the US government, in that sense, but it’s surely a clear indicator of why it will end eventually, and probably sooner than folks expect. Desperate measures to preserve or to defeat will not make much difference, so I am glad to see the Patriot Underground has backed off the pointless bloodshed they were planning here. Were they still active, it would only produce more confusion about everything, and increase the human misery of an already inhumane process.
I remain a watcher on the sidelines, in human terms. I’ve read the words and seen the vision of the Patriot Underground; that vision can never be real. I’m intimately familiar with the horrors of bureaucratic planning for increasing police state measures as the whole thing comes apart, having at one time participated in the work of that planning. The most useful thing any thoughtful soul an do is stay uninvolved. There is no black and white in any of these conflicts, because they all are so deeply stained with evil, it’s just a matter of what paint job you prefer. I don’t wave any pennants or cheer on any actor in this drama. Entertaining it is, but nothing more. I’m keeping my hands on the mission handles.
For those who walk in the revelation of God, none of this is our fight.
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