Friday Book Report

If things keep feeling so busy and active to me, I’ll keep posting a weekly recap of events. I’ll warn you so you can safely ignore it when you see it.

So the two free books, The Mind of Christ and Soul Seeds: Jesus’ Parables both passed into the Smashwords premium category. Since the 28th, SSJP has been downloaded 19 times, and TMOC 17. The message is going out.

For The Chronicles of Misty we are still waiting for approval as premium. Five times the free sample has been downloaded, and already someone has bought a full copy. Regulars here can scan back a few posts and see a link to the original edition. I didn’t change it all that much for Smashwords, so you won’t miss much if you don’t buy the later version. You buy it because you want to spend the money.

The next book boiling up from the cauldron is a similar rewrite of my oldest long tale, titled Not My HomeKnowing My Place. I’ll have to change this a bit more, because the older version reflects where I was then, and not where I am now. The basic story line will remain, just a few moral elements shifted. The working title for the Smashwords edition is Not My Home. As long as it remains novella length, I’ll have to offer it at a lower price (Update: book is free).

I have one other tale brewing in my head right now, so unless I am diverted to another task, I’ll be working on that in the background for awhile. It will likely be another Science Fiction piece set in the indeterminate future, and focused on the business of explaining Game from a cultural setting which chases a few current social trends into absurdity. That’s how we entertain while teaching good morality.

As always, I’ll be glad to hear from readers of this blog who have suggestions, questions, complaints or whatever.

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