The difference between “magic” and “miracle” is not simply spelling and pronunciation, but a range of connotations arising from cultural mythology. Both of them share an assertion a great deal of what happens here in human space can be affected by things not obvious to the normal range of human perception, not amenable to the normal range of human talent. Both require some kind of unusual effort to see and touch, something sourced from a realm apart.
Even saying this, I struggle to break out of the cultural mythology which blinds people to the truth. The people of the Bible had a language and culture which presumed such things, but our modern Western culture is antithetical at best.
It should be well known I prefer to address those who prefer talk of miracles, if only because I have a bias in their favor. That is, they are what I once was, but I’m not so far removed I don’t find a kindred spirit for the most part. However, those who prefer talk of magic are hardly my enemies. The critical element of defining the prison in which I was once confined is the urge to control things which were never in my hands. By striving so hard to control, I was controlled. I’ve learned simply to give. That’s a miracle in itself, but those who talk in terms of magic may also recognize something in my freedom. Their freedom in my world is critical to the mission, as much as the freedom of those I call to follow me out of the prison of organized religion.
Pick your religion, but use it; don’t let it use you.
What remains is the declaration something mysterious and mystical remains the true source of Life. Rather than mere existence here, we can live something which reaches far beyond this Vale of Sorrow. All my blather here constitutes a call to climb up to a higher level. In making this call, I tailor my language and the cultural flavor to best appeal to those in my target audience. If you are able to translate between mine and yours, it hardly matters to me how you chatter about your own calling to touch the mysterious realm. The Bible tells me “mystery” is simply that part of our existence which is not obviously visible to common vision. I have to trust the power of that realm to bring forth whatever results it will bring. We must never forget all attempts at human language expressions will never be more than approximations and indicators of something far beyond words, some power which cannot be confined to human language or thought.
Sometimes that power calls me to speak in more neutral terms, with the obvious result it still helps those who prefer Western cultural Christian language. In referring to Biblical Law or the Laws of God, I refer to something which expresses a higher demand, a call to reach out and touch the divine sphere. Though I use biblical language, I assert something recognized in many places using other language. That other sphere, the Eternal Realm, calls to us. No one can explain why all do not hear, but clearly all do not. Few, indeed, seem to notice.
Some of us who hear and see this beckoning, and have touched what is there, are unable to keep ourselves from telling others: Yes, it is there. Most emphatically so, yes, it is there. I can’t make you see it or hear it, but I can tell you and perhaps you’ll stop long enough to look and listen. That’s when you’ll learn you have to find that Realm within yourself, or you will not find it at all. Because it is something which can touch this world only within seekers, the result of that seeking remains your unique discovery. All I can do is seek ways to express what I have found, in hopes it will help you discover your own.
If what I share speaks to you, then stay and listen. Perhaps you’ll find something useful in your own discovery.
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