I see where Miscavage is fixing to stick it to his cult followers again. It’s not as if he hasn’t scammed them out of millions already, but he’s rewritten everything again and dusted off some “new” e-meters he had built a decade ago. That guy never gets enough, I guess. Here in Oklahoma his fake drug rehab center is killing people and it looks like the whole public relations thing is worse than ever.
I’m a whole lot cheaper, and I’m willing to bet a whole lot more effective. You don’t even have to join and make a fool of yourself in public. Just read my crazy stuff I offer for free every day.
Same with all those wild spending wasteful contractors in US war zones. I could do the same work they aren’t doing for a lot less money. Plus, I won’t slaughter a bunch of innocent women and children and make everyone mad. Nor will I get drunk and rape my co-workers. Of either gender. Or their kids.
Do you ever get the impression people prefer to be ripped off and lied to than just deal with reality?
Contact me: