Someone found a rootkit on a Linux server. As many have said, the only reason it hadn’t been done to Linux what crackers and hackers have done to Windows is simple economics. When the criminal market finds use for Linux cracking, the cracks will appear. And so they have for at least one targeted server setup. And more will come because the market is wide open as more and more people adopt Linux for servers. The illusion of ultimate security is about to crash.
So is the stranglehold of Microsoft. Windows 8 is already causing more ruckus than either ME or Vista did. Truly acid hatred is popping up among devoted followers. MS didn’t know how good they had it with Win7. Unless you really have to have it, stay away from Win8.
You’ve heard of the “mansophere”? That’s where all the pickup artists (PUAs) and others discuss Game. This whole thing feeds off the crashing illusion of feminism. This thing is exploding on the Internet, faster than the original alternative news and even the Patriot Underground. It’s exploding because it’s truth and it works.
Except the one thing which I find utterly repulsive is the bitterness and visceral anger. The inexpressible rage at how their whole world has lied to them is palpable. I realize we can easily blame feminism, but I also blame the foundation of feminism, which is Western Civilization itself. It’s pointless to blame women, to then turn around and abuse them simply because you can, and to gain a sense of revenge and that nasty “me first” which is totally unnecessary. So I predict this, too, shall pass. Sadly, it will probably take just as long dying as the nasty man-hating feminism we still see twitching on the sidewalk. Yes, the mainstream media still pretends feminism is Ultimate Truth, but when people realize you can’t even get accurate weather coverage, much less accurate coverage of anything else, nobody takes the MSM seriously except the people who make a living in it.
The angry retort building in the manosphere will not prevent the socio-sexual revolution succeeding. But it will not solve the underlying problem. It merely perpetuates the same Greco-Roman-Germanic cocktail of toxins which produced the West as we know it today. It’s still the same idiocy, just running backwards to the more ancient grouchy manhood of the pagan European world, and it will run out of steam much more quickly this time. It’s not sustainable.
I’m not angry at the world for the lies I discovered when I first encountered the early manosphere. I simply learned the facts and discovered how they are totally in accord with Hebrew Scripture. The manosphere isn’t going back far enough; they are stopping with the tribal German ogres mixed with arrogant Greek idealism. Sure, catch up on all the lost sexual opportunities, but don’t cry when civilization still dies. They are mostly building yet one more crashing illusion. Don’t tell me there’s a Western Christian version of this; Western is anti-Christian by definition. Until you figure that out, you aren’t building anything God wants to preserve.
Sorry guys, but most of you are simply evil and God will punish you right alongside the feminists.
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Ed, I congratulate you. This post has got to be the best, most concise exposition of the latest developmental issues in computing, gender sociology and moral philosophy all rolled into one! Every other sociologist should shut their books, shut up, and start reading this. Brilliant!
Well, it seemed to make more sense than separate posts or simply hammering out a random list. Thanks.