Routine traffic from corporate headquarters: Administrative recommendation to hire Restas E. Ziskel as new manager of Randell Colony is approved by the Board of Controllers, based on unanimous vote of colonists. Please note the contract attached to this message. Convey our congratulations to Mr. Ziskel, and also on his recent marriage to Cordelia Checkers. Finally, we congratulate the entire colony for being the most profitable in the division two years running.
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Great story! Thank you for sharing! Is there to be more? I did so enjoy it! Thank you again, It was a good read, after I finished each installment I would look for the next! Who could ask for more when writing?!? Love ya!
No more right now. Most of my stories like this spring up from a well, as it were, and when the spring stops, the story ends. I will explain this is part of the same universe as my book Chronicles of Misty, and I suspect that universe will produce more stories sometime in the future.